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4 Star Legendaries In 2024! Fallout 76

MOLE60: believe it when/if it happens .

Dinosaurman34: It’ll be interesting to see what effects are given with the 4th star.

jaheem666: I love the idea of having the chance to get a 4th star added to your equipped items.

last2nkow: It's simplest for them just to make a pool of 4star legendary weapons to drop on raid clear, so my money is on that.

But I really do like the idea of an a more flexible system where it gives you a choice of a 4star weapon mod box, or an armour mod box at the end of the raid.

That would be pretty sick

TheSpirez: Imagine they finally let us choose our legendary perks on our weapons and armor and then they release a raid where you can only get RNG 4 Star Rolls that cant be modified. The grind begins again lol.

FLUXXEUS: If you play around with the current legendary UI in a workbench... You can see a 4 star option pop-up

SoulsNThings: I'm really looking forward to more difficult content.

mrwhostheboss76: Imagine a quad bloodied railway...

biostemm: In a sense, we've had 4-stats for a while, like the kabloom's extra toxic damage, or the extra benefits of attaching a sacrificial blade mod to a 3-stat machete...

possumwithacowboyhat5140: Feels like 4 and eventually even 5 star box mods could be fit right in with the new legendary crafting system

Aug 29 2024

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