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3 More Reward Vendors You May Not Know About Fallout 76

xLeaDFusioNx: Omfg lmfao iv been doing one Waco a mole with a knife I didn’t even think about a flamethrower

nicktrin25: U-mine-it machines are refresh by rejoin to another server. There is no need to wait 24 hours

miahfaer7681: I have been struggling to find the Lucky Strike event! Thanks to you the miner badge is mine!

OmarElKhatibH: I love your voice and laugh

vetleallum2965: The thirst zapper ammo is expensive, but it's a really fun weapon to use.

xCorYz: I only knew of the nuka cade vendor, its insane the amount of out-of-the-way stores there are in the game. I just wish PS5 didnt crash as much as it did because it makes it really hard to play!!!!

saitotetsuo1: Great video. Thank you for posting this. Definitely going to try this on my next playthrough.

Protolore: So thats what those dang maps are for!

aq5426: I love farming the Lucky Strike quests. GREAT way to get junk/scrip/caps/whatever without really trying. Still gotta do events if you want the T-Bills tho. :(

chrisyung6776: You always make excellent videos! Thank you!!

Jun 26 2024

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