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10 More Essential Fallout 76 Camp Items YOU NEED TO GET!

Vanguard343: USE THE FORTUNE TELLER FIRST!!! the fortune teller will cancel out the added luck from the Bowling Arcade Machine and the perception will not go up to 4 it will just stay at a boost of 2.

If you use Fortune teller then the Bowling machine then it will got up by 4.

superpandabacon: Spent 30k caps on a vendor to get the mothman tome plan. I know mothman equinox is around the corner, but I don’t know if the drop is guaranteed so it was worth it for me.

TheEnigman: In one camp I set up those camp items in a prefab as a 'gym' called Buff Out but I also have them in a shelter for my camps without them above ground. For the camp I placed it near my vendors so that players could use them and sometimes players will buy from my vendor after they grab the buffs.

When I go back to my camp (roughly every 30 -40 minutes depending on events) to collect resources/dump items in my stash/vendor I refresh the buffs.

gymhayes4613: Pro tip. Samuel. Dont panic if he isnt at this spot. He joins people to play music and wanders about a little. Just roam around a bit youll find him.

Lordoftheapes79: I don't like that the Arm Wrestling machine is a charisma boost. It should be strength.

Johnny_Explorer: Great info as always Rifle. I prefer the Scent-O-Matic Perfume Dispenser for the Charisma buff as it is instantaneous. But i think its an Atomic Shop only item.

matthewhinkel6079: Commenting for Al Gorithm, whoever that is. Thanks for the upload, brother.

Drewtheelder: If you get any of these buffs from the Atom shop you can use them on all of your characters but if you use gold they're only available for the character you use to buy them.

gepsal209: I don't know if it's a bug, but if you activate the bullion camp item buffs first, and then the bowling and pinball machine buffs, they stack.

Jul 12 2024

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