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Why Is NOTHING Selling In ESO??

Hotwire999: I thought I was the only one having issues selling my stuff.

famousmortimer7933: I’m one of the more active traders on Xbox NA and both sales and prices are down dramatically overall. Also, rare and expensive items always took me multiple weeks to sell. Niche items like Praxis: Khajiit Enchanted Brazier generally took most of the month to sell as only collectors, and fellow flippers were buying these items. Now speculators are just not buying anything at all as these items are too volatile. The changes may have been necessary but they’ve destroyed the high-end motifs and rare item market…on Xbox NA at least.

moriconvallaria1279: I'm on PS5, and it's definitely a lot harder to sell stuff now, and what I do manage to sell is at a huge markdown from before.

My items didn't time out until this change, they sold like hotcakes.

I mostly sell motifs and furnishing plans, but I also sell high value materials, and my market gains have drastically reduced.

PnoyBoi4Ever: The problem is you have to sell "fast" now which indicates everyone undercutting heavily to sell quick.

Unlike before I would mark up prices and let it sit for a month and usually it sells. What a shame.

newworldforward1842: Furniture - Forget it!, Motifs - Forget it!, Gear - Forget it! Materials - Yes, if you dump the price to half!

gabrielcruz4071: Not sure where you're getting the idea that this isn't affecting the average player. That's me, and prices have gone down on most crafting mats by like 60% or more. That, until recently, was how I earned my gold in this game. It doesn't really feel like it's worth my time to do that anymore. I'm lucky to break even with guild dues, and some weeks are all the way in the red.

1848revolt: I've been selling ok. But I don't play the market like crazy.

christophermccormick5505: I bought a bunch of stuff to flip at the worst time. I'm losing millions.

Nswart: Sorry, mate. I disagree. I mainly sell Hakeijo. Before the update i would sell at keast x5 within a few hours of placing. Its been almost a week and i have not sold one. Thats very unusual especially with a pvp event around the corner.

Jul 19 2024

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