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This NEW Player Is CORRECT About EVERYTHING The Elder Scrolls Online FrostbreakYT

FrostbreakYT: Thanks for checking it out! I definitely want to make another video after 500 or 1000 hours to see how much my opinions changed with time.

Now that I've landed a real job, I have to slow down on making videos for the most part, unfortunately. I still want to play more of ESO, especially the DLC content (90% of what I've done has been base-game), but it's hard to find the time. Regardless, I'm glad you agree on (most) things I said; that makes me feel very validated
dkelrk1: Love Frost's 100% zone series. It's coming to an end but it's a hefty amount of content, still.
bradandrews777: Forcing grouping will fail. Try to do Harrowstorms when no one else is doing them.
eirho: i loved going to the rift and running for dear life from giants back in 2015, then i would see v14 players or v16 players save my life being absolute heros for us noobs who wanted to explore tamriel hahahaha
travismiller1491: I'll NEVER forget going to Riften on launch as a low level trying to get a werewolf bite. Getting killed by random enemies like 3 tigers. It used to be SO HARD and I loved it.
Tankerbell83: I remember when Elderscrolls was being launched, and Bathesda announced all the famous voice actors that would be in the game. It was the main reason I bought and played it!!! I absolutely love the voice acting in this game. Best in History imo.
1848revolt: The combat is the best. I say this as a pvper. Pve has always not been what I look for in combat. That's more about learning mechanics. This game the combat in pvp is super enjoyable. A lot of roll dodging blocking and laying out the lined up attack for spike damage.
ryan8900: playing this game for the first time and it is the soloability of the game that makes me love it. MMO people are just weird so many times and I just wanna grind a good game without being reliant upon them. This game is a god send for completionist solo gameplay with the option to party up with some meat shields when necessary.
wheeloftimem8481: MMOs have removed the RPG part, and now the MMO part. So which genre is it now?
elderwiz3165: People don't realize there's a 1 second global cooldown. They treat it like a first person shooter, when they press the button they expect their character to react. But it doesn't, because of the cooldown. So players get frustrated and start jamming buttons and curse the combat... Once you've learnt the rhythm of the 1s GCD and weave between skills you'll never go back to tab targeting and skills on timers.
mobspeak: The guy isn't qualified to talk about the combat, he's just light attacking his enemies in first person, that's not how you play this game, sry.

Aug 31 2024

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