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The Most MISUNDERSTOOD Tool in Elder Scrolls Online

CharlieZimbo: The real issue is the lack of experienced raid leads. Most have left the game and parse requirements become the default because of that gap in knowledge.

MrRedRoaster: This video is bang on. I also think that many dont understand that their trial dummy build with no pen and all medium is likely not the best in 4 man or solo. People get really angry when you mention that.

draykegabbard7734: Great video! Drizzy here (just saying that so you can recognize that I have some understanding of what I'm talking about) I disagree on one point kind of, "you only have to max out on one class" I understand what you're trying to say I'd just insert "you have the potential to max out on all" as a magplar main, when I switched over to DK it took me some practice and research and talking with others to grasp the skill priorities of the class In order to hit max parse stats. (Not as much as inital magplar parse progression) what I'm trying to say is, just cause you hit max parse doesn't mean that transitions immediately over to different classes. When i moved to DK I dropped roughly 30% dps on the dummy, you have to learn how to accommodate your class. Which takes practice, research to grasp the understanding. But the potential is there, because you've done it.

scrapburgin4193: My only qualm with this is that often the parses I find have different sets on the dummy than what I'd use in content and I don't have resources for just parsing. However, I offset that by doing research on how x set(s) are contributing and how much what I'm wearing is contributing.

MrLukieJL: Thank you!!!! All of what you said here does need to brought up way more than it does. It was around 4 years ago that I reached a high enough level and started moving into Vet dungeons and trials. Some guild mates helped me set up my bars and what the rotation should go and I was confused. Never liked how it rarely translated into what I should have slotted when I'm in the actual Trial. I eventually found other guilds and groups that knew a lot more about the game. They explained pretty much what you said in the video, it's to get an idea of how well I'm doing at just doing damage. I'm on PS5 and last few patches I've had an average of 100k. Sure It's not the 120k people have been posting but a lot of the time the people who hit those big dummy numbers don't see a mechanic(that they know is coming) and die. I've been asked plenty of times to join runs just because the raid leaders know that I have good raid awareness. Maybe that could be a topic for a future video. May the Hist guide you.

aa306911: This is one of the best ESO videos ever posted. This needs shared on Reddit and guild discords. A sincere thank you for making this video!

somrow55: "the dummy is its own progression." awesome rant, very high level insights...

MegaDj10000: Awesome as always, Red Lips

ChibiCosmos: Ty for posting this. When i first started parsing, I was told it was mostly to help my muscle memory. So when im in content doing mechs, my roto is second nature

rainsolo5126: Shout out to all the houses with random objects to let you walk forward without walking forward.

nunitv74: Man you beat me to this video lol .

Very good video. I agree

SayNO2CAMEABUSE: Makes sense. I am happy i dont do end game trials.

antonionb1464: Really great video

misitu.: This is so real & well said, Pups. Definitely going to share this video around to help players that are learning these kinds of things. The part where you discussed parsing on Z'enKosh is something I've always thought as well.

Awesome video as always!!!

silentseashore: This is a really good video. You briefly touched on both of these, but I'd also like to add a couple of other common theories that come up with 'dummy parsing'. First, the concept of a '120k parser who somehow magically fails to do mechanics and is therefore somehow less important than a mechanics-god who only manages 90k'. Second, the people who continues to argue that using exploiter CP on a dummy is somehow 'cheese' and certain sets have, in their opinion, no 'raid utility' outside of padding dummy numbers.

Pandamonium-77: Love your content.

Here's my simple explanation about the parse dummy. Say I built a car that can do 9 seconds in the 1/4 mi and has a top speed of 200mph. I go to the drag strip and track to practice. I do pretty good.

Then someone says they need a getaway driver in downtown Manhattan. All my practice at the track was great but now I'm in a real world scenario. It's a totally different situation.

SkyrimBeast: I'm glad ya brought up console players Eigh1 Puppies. While I play on PC, I do use a controller. It's the price one might pay after playing on consoles for an extended number of years. Anyway, it is difficult to bar swap effectively and efficiently with a controller given a controller layout. We have to take our left thumb off the left stick and press the left D-Pad button in a split second. In that split second, we stop moving. I think we both know a lot of shit can happen in that split second.

As far as parse requirements go, I'm on the fence about this practice. On the one hand, parse requirements feel like applying for a job to me. On the other hand, they can be used as something to aspire towards. I play ESO for the fun of it. I already know my class, the Necromancer, as I've been playing one for years consistently. Hell I don't even entertain the idea of other classes anymore. Given my build, I can typically do around 56K DPS in real fights. What's more is I can stay alive in even the toughest vet dungeons to keep doing that damage. Looking at you vet Graven Deep and Scrivenir's Hall.

colinhouweling8615: Such an amazing video pups! and very well detailed! I just mostly use the dummy to practice roatiuons! I already knew like when I was playing that the trial dummy Doesn't = actual real world raid numbers because they are so so so many veribles in raids and like you say There is no mechs happening while you are hitting that trial dummy!!

moonhaewon6689: Meanwhile I'm here hitting a measly 52k average damage on dummy, I've been playing for 3 months or so

Coconut-dr8dt: The worst are the raid leads and guilds that want you to submit a new parse every patch. It's not just noobs and causal guilds who do this. I've also had to do this for raid leads and guilds who like to brag about their hm and trifecta clears. It's so stupid on top of everything else with the game that I just stopped raiding.

lyladenise: Sadly, parse scores have now become a discrimination tool in "Normal" trials which are supposed to be for beginners! Want to know why trials are losing players just ask anyone that has been booted from a "Normal" trials when they are trying to learn how to do trials. Greedy trials group leaders are playing the "Stats" game to the detriment of ALL.

MercuryCold: No, a combat dummy measures DPS only (not rotation or class understanding). This gives an accurate (not perfect OBVIOUSLY) forecast range to the potential dmg a player will do . Think of it like a Marine at target practice.

Dps is not an indication of total game skill (tgs)

Over the past few years zos has massively increased the dps , while simultaneously players irl capabilities have equally dropped. On na Xbox....trials are now lead by people who would have been accurately been described as noob a few years ago.

A few years ago this state im describing was already in existence, however players today are SO SO terrible compared to the past the is NO comparison. Hence why dps is 3 to 4 times greater than past ESO.

Recent examples: vhrc (first boss, rainbow method). i say "please use as little movement as possible, movement is causing the whirlwind dmg attacks, stop moving its going to kill people". Trial captain: " oh no, we learned in "something garbled " never stop moving"!

Me : no just please stop moving constantly on purpose "

Captain"no that doesn't work lol"

Then puts me in mute.

Non vet Cloudrest 0 (as easy as they can make a trial).

Captain:" im not starting till we have a downstairs team" .....then goes in and "pull simoja (sp)" around in circles....

ACamaroGuy: I think some player require a dummy parse is to show that you know how to use your rotation. Using your rotation at 90%/100% is really good when youre running vet anything for achievements. Its not always about how high you get your number.

willywonka00: It's crazy to me that people need this information

kiserlee5471: Ngl I practice my tank and healer rotos on the dummy when I'm doing something goofy like tank or healer parsing just to get an idea of the damage and sustain

Jan 03 2025

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