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The Elder Scrolls Online You Belong Here Xbox Games Showcase 2024

MrSTVR: 10 years of shilling this game at every show
denitron: This trailer single handedly killed my excitement to get into the game. What the hell did I just watch?
Crimson_Mysterium: I have played this game for 8 years, and NEVER have I seen anything even closely resembling what was just shown here. I get that Bethesda needs to pump up subscriptions with Gold Road releasing soon, but this was just embarrassing.
Urukage: Make sure you purchase some loot boxes too.
NeseOSGaming: This game looks amazing
MysticEdge97: All the great nostalgic elder scrolls music. So out of touch
lost_sounds_: If Maxis made this game.
mjesse1624: Wheres the elder scrolls 6
supersonicpuppydance3003: The Sims: The Elder Scrolls
dt7353: Making me want to download this game again.
danielvilela7139: Loved the Pat Benatar song
Assassin-lv5jl: Iv played since launch on xbox and this doesn't look remotely representative of the game. Like bruh show PvP or Trails(raids)

Jun 11 2024

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