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The Elder Scrolls Online Official Welcome to Home Tours Trailer

xSavedSoulx: This game is just a cash grab disguised as an outdated MMO that needed a major overhaul ages ago.

nighttimestalker: 2024 and people still cant grasp the basic knowledge thst the people making ESO are NOT the people who make the other elder scrolls....

rept7: In terms of this being an ESO thing, this is actually pretty rad.

Only people playing ESO care.

Zarturael: So Guild Wars 2 dropped a new expac. with player housing today and you tryin' play dirty like this? hahaha

how adorable, you took a page out of Blizzard's playbook

TheTigersAreHere: Will always be a much better housing experience than FFXIV

Sonicx216: The bots be strong in these ign comments lately.

mr.noonoo1003: Still no TES:6 tho

californialove8185: Wheres the PVP??? New Servers????

MetalxLicaxPP: The one thing ESO didn't need, lmao.

killerluuk: ESO started of great but is just a repetitive cashgrab with boring bossfights that just have more HP than normal minions.

KLUGYYY: The real fans want ES6 not more content for your MMO games.

Aug 22 2024

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