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The Elder Scrolls Online Memories From 10 Years in Tamriel

chickenpotbiebro202: Bro these bots..
garrettbaker8098: ESO does have a wonderfully dedicated community. I met my now wife in a RP guild. We had no intentions on it going anywhere, but that quickly changed the more we played together. After 3 of the happiest years of our lives dating and living together, we are soon to be off on our honeymoon. We still think back on the days of our meeting fondly. Couples that play together stay together!

Thank you ESO for building such a strong community and forging the bridges to countless friendships. Happy 10th anniversary.
senoka4638: I just wish the game didn't fall into the trap of gambling/lootbox/FOMO/MTX. That ruined the game for a lot of people.
ColbyePresents: I love you all.
VLarraechea: ESO and its RP Community was a major part of my life.

Ever since the Closed Beta, since 2013, ESO was my constant game, every evening, at least 15 minutes.

By this point, that’s mostly decreased, mainly due to life itself. The world keeps moving forward, but I’ll keep on returning every so often.

Thank you, ZOS, for 10 years of enjoyment, of friendships, of wonderful stories. Thank you for expanding so much on what already was a great game series.

I hope you keep on improving the game, and don’t abandon it for whatever your next game is. (Although I’m looking forward to it, too!)

And yes, Summerset was indeed the best Chapter!
commandercharli: Damn, I became teary-eyed watching this one, despite me not having played ESO for a long while now. I envy those people who found friends and partners through ESO, not gonna lie.
Tr_ali61: We love you, behesta
Ombrophobic: Why don’t you interview regular people who face bullying and toxicity at the hand of the elite the same people these “creators” shape. Just a thought. Maybe show the real players.
kayPOWXD: It's an honour to be a part of this video. Love you ESO & ESOFam.
Devdavis32: Alright now make elder scrolls 6

Aug 24 2024

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