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The BIGGEST Changes Coming to ESO in Update 43

OaK-_R: Zero reason to nerf the already lacking warden lol
felixthefearless1886: Wow. Really hope Zos reconsiders this nerf to arcanists. It’s getting tiresome constantly having them come out with new paid classes, only to nerf two patches later. Get consistent Zos.
user-tp4ii6hs3l: Well considering the arcanist is now a base game class it makes sense they would nerf it into the ground. If you took a year off from the game you wouldn't even care about the arcanist at this point. The manipulation of this company is so overt it is actually impressive. Scribing has become the new class, getting people to grind out everything in scribing could take years and they can just nerf or buff certain portions to get people to retest. Again, quite impressive how they puppet players around.
IshimuraaYT: As a absolute necromancer lover, any and all buffs seen brings a smile to my face.
vossboss220: Dang arcanist new toy syndrome dropping hard
wolfofodin1996: I'm so bummed about the flail nerf
CrystalPrelude: This video and the comments I'm reading have reminded me why I no longer follow the meta. For anything. It just strains your mind and all the work you put into it can be changed at a moment's notice. Just not fun.
mybeagleapproves8590: Good thing I quit eso two weeks ago lol
LTHEGRIFFTAH: Yesssss nerf arcanist it's to op and not fair
salty_maple_syrup: The new Nightblade set and changes honestly feels like it's going to give next to no benefit to PvE blades and only make the PvP invis spammers more obnoxious. Such a damn shame, honestly.

Jul 14 2024

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