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Syrabanes Ward got secretly BUFFED Elder Scrolls Online Gold Road

Agumon5: Call me crazy but I'm okay with them not disclosing every single change they make. Sometimes it's fun to discover something new out of the blue. If I was a game developer I probably would disclose 98% of all the changes to the game, and keep 2% secret to see who can figure it out.

ZerostoHeros: I want to see that tier list yo

jimmyc1510: Yeah it's been that way for a little while lol I've been using it on a tank necro

ultiscrubgaming915: If 2 people ran it would they give each other the health recovery?

sticky0159: They should just change that Health Recovery stat tbh, it's weak. Just change it to something like healing received by a % because Health recovery is just a bad stat overall.

Tewthpaste: this is old news. that changed was long long long time ago.

CreativeExcusesGaming: Syrabane would be excellent for p4 on the final boss of earthen root enclave. Tank gets an easier time with lightning breath, and dds and healer get a MUCH easier time with the lighting strikes

b4ll0w: Does the scribing skills have any usage for DK in Infinite Archive ? :>

HowardSupra: Speaking of semi-silent changes I swear alessian order used to not have a recovery cap and it was just 2% of resistances = recovery regardless of how high you got your resistances... I could be wrong though

Jun 26 2024

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