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New Scribing Ability... And Why Its a Horrible Design Elder Scrolls Online Update 44

TheRoibm: Hot Take, this is just another proof that Zos hate group defensive buffs like from Miritorious Service. When my dungeon group wanted me to run group defesinve sets I looked at all existing sets and EVERYTHING is shit. Either the range is 8m or less, 50% uptime or less or giga weird prog condition. This set looks really good, until you look at the skills to prog it. Cool we have one more of this now.

I feel like I just wrote a forum post.

BBRocker75: Are you serious Hyperioxes? Do you forget the old TESO positioning line rule [the old TESO tutorial for bosses are still online]: TANK on front facing boss, DDs stack back Tank, Healers stack back DDs. It is amazing how wrong is this video. This scribe IS JUST FOR HEALERS. Hiperioxes, maybe do you NEED BE CLEAR about the average/alternative positioning today: Tank taunting boss face away from DD and Healers, DDs stacking on boss back, one Healer on back DD, one Healer for Tank or kiting.

tonicinf8483: don't vampires have a toggle that you can backbar and it will keep working even if you change bars? why can't they do the same here? and change guard to work like that too while we are at it.

skulpturostone4621: It's not for tanks. It's for healers, who stand in group. Tank stands in front of the boss. So it is almost impossible for a tank to cover the whole group with that.

elderwiz3165: Just put a timer on it so it can be used in one slot...

hugon3895: Couldn't disagree more. Not having to press button just to refresh buff it's great. I hope they'll change all buffs to work like this. I never understand why forcing people to constantly refreshing their buffs was consider "engaging" or "interesting". You make your decision that you want this skill when you put it in to your bar. Everything else is just braindead busy work to maintain it.

But I agree that they could make it that you have to slot it only on the one bar, not two.

nierielsootica: As a healer main, I'm also frustrated on double bar requirement. Both tanks and healers have too much on their bars already that are necessary to drop two spots for this. I can see how it would be useful in PVP though. Maybe they need to make it two "morphs". One has to be double barred and is a toggle, one is single barred and a timer.

king_Jude: I agree, I really hate two bar skills, I feel like every skill should be one bar required. I do like the fact that it stays on until you turn it off like guard I want that to stay and not have a duration. It would also be nice if they was to buff it to match the negatives about it such as -40% resource reduction... I feel like the 6% increase to whatever school that you chose is just simply not enough...

adnanelamrani6659: Put all the banners on arc dds (instead of camo hunter), they play coral anyway, sustain might still work if they play regen food and symphony on group. It would possibly result in higher personal dps for those arcs because of the signature script cavalier's charge (gives Weapon and spell damage based on movement speed for the banner bearer). Set the group with NB healer with quick siphon, 2-3 banner bearing arcs, and every banner bearer would have 330 weapon and spell damage.

It can also give major brutality aoe, and major savagery (bye bye igneous ? no more sorc sustain issues and having to use crit pots ?)

They didnt show us how druid's resurgence interacts with it, maybe it reduces its sustain drawback. The interaction with arcanist and warden class mastery script will be interesting if it's a toggle, I wonder if they changed those.

MashMalloman: Please post this video on the PTS forums so it can actually be found by ZOS and feedback may result in changes before live.

theperfectgame484: Sorc tank main since launch. Glad you mentioned the clanfear lol. Still wish they would change the pets tho because I like the clanfear in some ways. For one it is a massive heal and the passives for pets give defensive benefits now.

Sep 16 2024

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