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Is ESOs Update 43 Not What People Wanted? The Elder Scrolls Online

Gamerboychill: This game gets so boring after you hit around 1600 cp

EgaoKage: I love how ZOS took fire damage away from all but one of Templar's abilities, changing them instead to magic damage, because it was "too OP for Templars to do fire damage". And yet it's now perfectly fine for other classes to do all manner of elemental damage. And with this new DK set, even their light attacks will cause fire damage? Meanwhile the Templar's Aedric Spear themed class set somehow sucks even more ass than the last set. So much for Sweeps/Jabs being worth a shit anytime soon. And handing NB more

fredeso7844: I'd go for an ESO furniture bag before deconstruction.

orbital78_: I was hoping for bigger storage or at least more containers. I'm not a big housing person, so I'm more interested in the Archive changes. They probably need to retire support for the ancient consoles to really add much more housing space.

Nyce-Gaming: I can’t wait for them to announce the PvP ‘feature’

macattack5457: Im still waiting for the pvp update that was mentioned a while back

Ezackiel1: nice haircut ^^

BBRocker75: Nefasq, i really appreciate ur videos but... NOT AL TESO PLAYERS ARE IN THE SAME BAG! To me the new features are okay cuz are related to my likes. But stop talking about TESO players like a mass, TESO have many communities inside, maybe next time you can talk about specials demands from some TESO communities and how each patch or updated affect those special targets. The way people like u and other content creators talk about ToT community, or Housing community, the Guild trader community, or the Farmer community is so disrespectful. TESO is a whole world beyond dungeons and trials trifectas.

freeq52: ZOS focuses on unnecessary functions. Is enhanced home visits really something players are waiting for, expecting? I doubt it. Should ZOS programmers/graphers focus on just that? In my opinion, it's a waste of man-hours and something better could have been done in that time.

paintballpreppertmvawomani1341: The game is broken They just keep releasing new ship breaking it more all about the money money money Fix the game.... Stop buying the new DLC's Protest with your wallet. Stop buying emotes stop buying furniture stop buying houses stop playing the game.

skulpturostone4621: ZOS hired EHT developer, so he added his addon to the basegame

Jul 12 2024

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