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Is Elder Scrolls Onlines Newest Reward System Good Enough? Golden Pursuits

fobtasz4693: I don't need free sh*t to claim. I want the reason to play. Thank you
FabresFour: A thing I noticed: In the previous PTS cycle, this system had extra rewards for certain specific quests. For example, if you completed the specific quest to 'defeat 1 world boss,' you would receive an extra crown crate or an additional reward. This system could be quite interesting to encourage players to engage in specific activities, similar to the themed endeavors from this past year.
MrAddummm: guild wars 2 does achievements/collections so well. there's sooooo much you can get from just achievements alone, which then gives you incentive to actually play certain parts of the game or chase certain items, which you then feel actual rewards from. not just "achievement completed" or some title like it is in eso.
deepriver3035: ESO used to be a game. It has devolved into a participation prize factory.
unhived: this made me laugh so hard. I have not played ESO in 2 years because everything just feels more of the same. so instead of coming out with meaningful content and MEANINGFUL rewards, they come out with yet another grind that is more of the same to give you cosmetics and rewards that are basically absolute junk. no wonder people are leaving the game in droves.
DayumMarq: I know its PTS, but they need to do something with duplicates, ill even take crown gems lol at least its something.. Like if I have that pony.. what do I get? If I have that outfit... What do I get? I think reward structure is great for new or 1-2 years players, but for people that PLAY PLAY this game lol, the rewards are still meaningless. For example we got those Dragon Bones DLC for free in the daily rewards... Ive had those for years lol. also.... low-key they need to add a zero to all the endeavors as well lol. Like my thought process would be if I grind all the endeavors every day and the weekly I think I should be able to buy a mount by like the 6 days left mark on the current crates in the store.
push2377: You know how they've been adding weekly merchants in IA and now in IC. I think it would be interesting if they would do that for other merchants like the Undaunted Achievement vendor where we could get some new furnishings or the Writ vendor where sale a couple of plans at a discount.
funkydunkas101: Fuck all this just make the actual game activities more rewarding
kylebarclay9352: Endevors 2.0. Why didn't they just revamp the endevors system? All these handout systems.... You have the daily log in rewards, endevors, and now golden pursuits. It smells of desperation. More avenues to monopolize. They're going to see players participate and therefor say that it's good and we like it. If I'm a new player in a game and I see all the handouts a game gives me for just logging in, I get strong vibes the game has or is on a decline and is using desperate messures to have players stay or log in. Instead of putting in more systems, they should reinvent what they already have and make it more rewarding that way. This doesn't fix or cure the itch of a better reward system.
TieWolf: Can't change the past. ESO has dragged their feet on certain things without argument. This is a good step forward for them, of course this should have been available much much earlier in the game's lifetime than now 10 years later, but I'll continue to encourage the things I like to see. Operant conditioning - I'll throw the bone for this one, this is a GOOD thing that should be in the game.

Similar to how over the last year there has been more effort in being festive in game during holiday events - they seem to have new people on the team that are making good changes for the game overall. This stuff takes time, take what we can get at this point and continue to encourage the things we want out of the game. There is still space for the game to continue evolving.
madrab73: What isn't good enough is maintenance lasting 12 hours for PS servers during an event again. After 10 years you would think they would be competent at updating the game by now.

Oct 08 2024

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