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Infinite Archive Solo World Record Arc 16 Dragonknight Elder Scrolls Online Update 43

naplzt4k: impressive but is this fun for you? I would lose my mind to boredom 2 hours into this grind and it probably took you half a day to get that high
Mr-Evil-Dave: Congratulations, thanks for sharing.
abstractsymmetricity: Congrats huge accomplishment.

Couple questions.

1. How is the poison enchant vs something like damage shield enchant?
2. How important is Elfbane vs something like Torugs pact for more enchant procs?
3. I'd love if you covered why you use what you do in your build video.

Nice run!
jdm8702: Crazy
elderwiz3165: Did you get any sleep? Just going through Arc 1-4 is tedious... Let alone Arc 16 !!!!
motsy15: Must’ve taken all day. Congrats for keeping your efforts focused. I can’t seem to do that
timmusto7614: Congrats Hyper, I am interested on your addons that are being displayed on screen to include your countdown timer. TY
user-wy2cv9zj7r: Congratulations. After ark 4 I already tired of it.
Bloodsaber64: ESO is an embarrasing bugfest that ZOS doesnt care to fix as long as you keep shoveling money at them. You cant even pvp in cyrodiil cause the lag spikes will eat your inputs. This game is barely more than the failure fallout 76 was, and by the same people. Don't waste your money on this horrible game WoW is better
zeeejay: Congratulations on the arc record hyper iox es

Aug 30 2024

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