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I Can FINALLY Tell You Why Im DONE With The Elder Scrolls Online

sawmanUK: One Richard lambert called my content “shock jock” content… I also went on to work with a bunch of other game studios

Pedaeus: In all fairness, those devs should probably be fired for how they destroyed a winning formula for a game

isth3reno1else: Looking forward to the next step of your journey Nefas. What you did for the community was tremendous and you'll be an asset wherever you go next.

Arttea: Man, that San Diego clip was a rough one to watch for sure - I got anxious just from watching it, and I wasn't even there, so I can only imagine how you must have felt at that moment :/

Thanks for all that you've done for the ESO community and for keeping so many valuable resources up and running for everyone all this time. Your many initiatives have massively contributed to the good health and betterment of the ESO community. Though you may feel unappreciated (to put it lightly) by the developers, I do hope you recognize how incredibly helpful your work has been, and that you can find some peace and solace by reflecting on the success of your efforts. I hope that you have a much better time in the future with your new projects and content ideas, and I'm looking forward to continuing to tune in to see what you've cooked up for us. Take it easy

PainInTheAxe: Its such a shame because you were always someone who put all their effort into making this game/community great. I remember the early days when we were both just starting to break out in the content space, you reacting to my Vet maelstrom streams when I was trying to get the no death clear, encouraging(and trolling a bit LOL)me to keep going with your community. No matter what you go for and choose to pursue I'm here for you dude. You're like a brother to me and the way they have treated you is unacceptable, you never deserved any of that.

prisonmykee2595: Looks like Xynode is the forever yes man of eso. He’s going to keep telling players that there is no meta for another 10 years. XD

NirnStorm: Nefas, you’ve been an unwavering pillar of the community for as long as I can remember. You've done more community management than several community managers and have built up this game's community more than any content creator I can think of.

It's been several years since I left ESO, largely due to many of the same issues you’ve mentioned in this video. You’re an incredibly strong person for remaining professional through so many negative events. I have no doubt that whatever you choose to do next, you’ll find even greater success.

digitalrob50: Wow man…Gina and the rest of the Zenimax team are so cringe and they really don’t understand the player base and it really shows. Sorry for the way you were treated. Thanks for all you have done for the community and looking forward to what you do next!

turbogti8567: I have no idea why watching this video was the proverbial "straw that broke the camel's back" for me, but it was. I've spent over $1,000 of my hard earned money on this game over multiple years, and quite possibly substantially more than that. But I'm not spending one more cent on this game, nor will I be spending my money on any future project put out by this terrible team of developers. They're so toxic, they disregard all of our feedback and go with their own terrible vision of the game, and then when we try to reason with them, they gaslight us like we're the ones who are toxic. I'm done with it.

Eso_lags: This community is in shambles since update 35. It was the beginning of the end. Even though most of the people that took issue with it, and left, were raiders it has caused a ripple effect through every aspect of the community. Guild leaders, community leaders, addon creators, people testing things, people wanting to make events, all leaving. Which in turn causes less people to stick around, because an mmo without community is an mmo that does not feel like an mmo. All that combined with zenimaxs hyper focus on a revolving door of super casual/solo focused players, putting vet/long term players on the back burner, and their complete disregard of the pvp community for many years, has created what we have now.

I thought the goal was not supposed to be skyrim online, but it seems like over the last few years they've switched their focus to making it just that. And if things done change, which they probably wont, they will have their way. An mmo where most of the players are just the people who come to quest through their yearly storyline is not an mmo at all.

All that being said, none of this surprises me about zos. I think most of us who have been here for the last 10 years know how they are. They dont listen, they dont care about the players, the community, or our opinions. They only want "eso fam" type creators/players that bootlick and fall in line.

I always thought your criticism of zos was super light, and i figured that was because you didnt want to burn bridges, so its hilarious to hear that they were upset behind the scenes. I've heard from other content creators that they wish they didnt burn their bridge with zos by being critical of them, but the sad thing is none of them were critical enough. Its a rock and a hard place.

The biggest take away for me is something ive always known. This companies biggest problem is, and always had been, that they cannot look inward, ever admit they are wrong, listen to the criticism of the players who care so much about eso, and change. That list at the end of the video should be horrifying to zenimax, but they wont care. Its just such a massive L for the community. GG

cjkhoomobile5830: The part where Nefas was called out for IRL streaming is just so intense and wrong. That could have been avoided in so many ways if they just clarify whether or not streaming is allowed on the premises. I can relate to that since I was called out at work too before so I know the feeling, the tension, and for whatever reason my brain will keep replaying that particular scene in my head whenever I couldn't fall asleep…

All the best to you moving onwards. You deserve better. We all do.

greorbowlfinder7078: We get it. Even the best tanks can't stand in red, toxic, DOT, for long. Time to roll dodge out and reposition.

irishsage2459: I feel like a straight up fool for sticking with this game for so long.

Devs obviously do not care about players or even making a functional game, it's purely to milk people out of money. Yes, a company is supposed to make money, but most do that by making a good product. These people don't even pretend to care.

Thank you for the years of service Nefas, and really proud of you (as much as a stranger can be proud) for standing up for yourself and having self respect. Too bad others in this God awful situation cannot follow your lead. Best of luck to you.

TonyidigpoetryMena: Bro…Gina did you dirty. Definitely public humiliation. And without warning.

xniya_2647: ESO has been going downhill for so long that, sadly, I'm not surprised they treated you like this. Personally, I stopped playing a month ago due to the obvious performance issues and ZOS's lack of communication and willingness to fix things. This is such a bad look for them. As for Gina, I would have gone absolutely insane. Not only did you handle that situation well, but you should have 100% gone for her job. That was absolutely the most unprofessional and spiteful thing I have ever seen. I can't wait for the copy-pasta from the PR team about this.

TheRealDunkirk: If an ESO CM is threatening you about how the "gaming community is small" and threatening that you won't be able to get a streaming deal with some other studio if you don't play ball with her wishes, that's a really good sign that this is how they deal with their own employees internally. Gaslighting and threats. No wonder the game is waning.

Panhammer64: THAT SCENE AT THE DJ EVENT IS INSANE - What a poor way to handle that. What on earth is their issue? I hate that i just found this channel. I had no idea there was a content creator for ESO that was not a total shill ignoring the insanity of the devs - i'm here for the future for sure. I've experienced the same stuff from this weird community in small ways too.

DarkerPsyche: Leaving any MMO you've spent years playing is tremendously hard. It's not 'just a game' when you've poured years of your time and efforts into it. It's a piece of you. It's imprinted in your brain. It's engrained in your soul. Now magnify that when you've been more than just a player, but also a conduit between the game, itself, and other players. Now it's more than just having fun, but it becomes a labor of love; with a very heavy emphasis on the "labor" part. Leaving something like that almost feels like crawling away after a bear trap took off one of your legs.

I've played many MMOs for decades. I've invested time, money, and a portion of myself into each of them; and I'll continue to do that over and over till I'm no longer here. We, the players, are the ones that breathe life into those worlds. We are the ones that make them 'real' and thriving. The heart, the soul, and the blood that pumps through the circuits. Developers make games but we make those games living and breathing worlds. It's our lives and experiences that make them valuable.

Sadly, many developers just view us as paychecks and potential whales for their microtransactions. Even sadder is that it doesn't have to be that way. All it takes is a modicum of effort on their part to make us feel like they 'actually' care about us. I'm not talking about market-speak, or half-hearted elbow rubbing. I mean forming genuine connections and a real sense of back-and-forth with the community. Do all of that, and you'll have a player base that will stay with you till the end.

Sorry you had to leave ESO. I feel your pain; although I doubt I'll be able to adequately feel the full weight of what you're experiencing. As I say in the game, "Be well and safe travels."

FrostbreakYT: Here’s to 2025, Nefas! I’m so grateful to have been the final guest on the ESOU podcast and to have gotten a foot in the door with your incredible community. This whole YouTube thing is still very new to me, but without your generosity in giving me a place to call home within the 7E Discord and advice on content creation, I’m certain I would not be in the position I am today. After watching this video it's amazing you stuck with it for so long; but I'm excited to see what's on your menu for 2025!

KhamulESO: Sad to see you have gone thru all this, your efforts for the game will not be forgotten and may the future look bright for you! Thanks for everything uve given the community for so many years!

animationcanceling: welp, what a ride.

Shin0bi_: For those who don't have the addon, as of now:

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Jan 06 2025

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