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HUGE Quality Of Life Changes Coming To ESO in 2025! CP Rework, Graphics Update, CONSOLE ADDONS!

Robert-pt2jz: Think they need to make mount training account wide. Biggest turn off from new characters has to be mount speed followed by inventory space

LazloArcadia: Honestly I think ESO needs to update the base character models and movement animations, and NO I'm not referring to simply adding a few more emotes. I'd also like to see them fix some of the huge lag issues in group content.

daltonsimmerock5999: I think something else they should change is mythic styles. Once you've discovered a mythic, then you should also unlock the style for it to use in the outfit station.

BirdShutterbug: YES! loving that the green star skills will be passive!!

jackiechanswag: I would love to see mount upgrades be account wide !

I will wait to play again when the difficulty changes happen.

misterbrady100: I'm glad that they are making all of these improvements. Especially the green tree changes. But without performance improvements none of this is enough to retain players. As soon as players start playing content that requires a lot of interactions, like vet/trials and pvp, they notice a their skills are not responding in clutch moments. That is causing a lot of player attrition to other games that don't have these performance issues. I hope for the future, but until this is solved ESO is not on my 'recommend to friends' list.

redfreckles1671: Some things i would like to see fixed...

1. All of the green tree to just be passive, and have 6 slotted spots for the blue and red trees.

2. Any and all IDENTICAL items to be stsckable (runeboxes, treasure maps, exemplary jewelry for a FEW examples)

3. Mount speed and upgrades to be account wide once maxed on one toon.

sly2076: ESO needs new creative leads to breathe some fresh ideas into the game.

The same boring sets, copy and paste zones, and bare minimum effort isn't cutting it, and is actively killing the game.

iGivor: We need cross-save only

tomfrakey6335: As a PVE player I plan on participating in the PVP testing because, while it does not directly benefit me, indirectly if it makes the community happier and helps the population improve I'm down for that.

danhensley: I was happily surprised with the QoL changes. And despite all the doom and gloom around ESO right now, I'm excited for another good ol' dungeon pack.

michaelp4396: Not making the auction system available to soloers (no guild) will always be a knock against this game for me.

alisamicanturu9026: My characters sprint speed is higher than my mount speed I doubt it still changes

joffers3767: They gotta update the old outfit styles, man. Daedric for example looked so epic in skyrim, but in eso they gave it no justice and gave all the daedric-ness to the annihilarch's chosen set instead.

outsider2638: Ok, things that should have been done years ago is what now comes instead of big updates. I try to smile with the changes and forget the grandiose times of Chapters.

mayedalshamsi: Removing Cyrodiil would also solve the PvP lag issue. Just following the devs' logic to its natural conclusion. Bunch of clowns.

Павел-т2г1н: So that's it? Instead of improving server performance they plan to remove 80% of complexity out of the pvp???

Oh, that is SO lame! It's like the WORST think they could've done to pvp!

My suggestion: just turn Cyro into a pve zone. I'm not joking. If you can t properly handle pvp, then just make the whole game a pve experience. I d better see a normal quest line, world bosses and all that in Cyro than do pvp with only class skills and even those simplified.

charlessmith2963: While these changes are impressive, modern MMOs still struggle with being welcoming to new players. As someone who has played MMOs for years but stepped away due to life circumstances, returning now feels like starting from scratch in a radically different environment. The experience of being a "new" player is daunting, with every step feeling like an uphill battle just to find the fun.

d.costello281: Companions should carry their own equipment have a back bar that they can randomly switch to if they choose and at least have 1 soul gem to revive themselves if they die. And make mounts capable of walking with you like a pet would if you choose. Make mount combat a thing. Release a item called portal shards you are allowed to have 3 and can place them anywhere in tamriel as long as it is in overland. They will work portable wayshrines after placing them you can not remove them for a week.

hx3trapped: I think this is good news… it’s at least a step in the right direction for sure.

DaedriikPrince: Two things I would love to see being added in, at least one of them!

1. Being able to buy class tokens!

2. Pre-Save a character to use for another class!

UnfadingSilence: See they are once more going in the wrong direction with pvp removing skill lines will just kill pvp all together, no group play, no ball groups, no guild vs guild, no bombers all of which rely on skill trees

OzarkMountainKing: The CP tree skills should be all passives. Having to pick and choose only 4 or of so many choices that we've worked for and not be able to use them as needed without swapping around the bar is a real pain in the a$$. Adding so many additional passives to the green tree is great, but there is not really anything on the green tree that shouldn't be a passive anyway.

leatherDarkhorse: honest, cp should be straight up passive instead have to equip.

ski364: Honestly nothing I see here will change my mind; I am not going to come back if this is all they have to offer.

davidclark1095: I wish they would fix the "scale" of the zones to fit closer to their respective sizes. Summerset should be 2x bigger than Auridon. Galen feels as big as Auridon. The only zone that seems like the scale seems more appropriate is Cyrodil. Does anyone else feel the same way?

Jan 15 2025

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