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How to create the PERFECT Writ Character Elder Scrolls Online Gold Guide

benethoukes8519: You can skip any of the intro quests for each of the crafts by being at level 10 of 50 in each of them before speaking to any of the master crafters that certify you. It’s not linked to skill points i.e 2/8 for alchemy, 2/10 for blacksmith as suggested etc.

doyieng1397: I did my leveling entering random party dungeon. It’s like 3 birds in 1 stone. I get transmute crystal, huge xp, 1 skill points if its a dungeon haven’t done yet. I do it 1 character per day for less pressure and after that I move on to my main. I am on my 3rd character now out of 20. I can only do daily writs after work so I love watching your vid. Keep it up!

24Rabbott: if you invest in an armory assistant you can easily flip to and from a crafter and an adventure for alts that don't have a lot of skill points

drivethrupoet: I'm glad I found someone who thinks like me, this was great, better than dozens of other channels I've watched so far. I'm new to the game - I don't have a lvl 50 yet! So now I know I don't need one character to get to high lvl for all things and I can use skill points more strategically. Also yes a cute little pigggyyyyy

SympNerv: I think my only problem with running a bunch of characters with daily writs is I regularly run short of ancestor silk even with surveys :s Means I either have to grind for some or buy some. How do you ensure you have enough mats?

marilenazucerie4493: Piggy c:

elderwiz3165: I just do the dungeon quests, no skyshards needed. Use armory to change from warrior to crafter

Docsanta: Great video, I am leveling crafting alts right now. This was very helpful

Sizepower: you can buy the tavernchamber for little money

NighDarke: So how exactly are you making the approximate 20K? Because I have a master crafter and when I do the daily crafting writs he barely gets 5000.

Aug 16 2024

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