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FIRST look! Upcoming Skill Styles 2024 ESO

ahobbitstail7022: When this reaches the level of different animations and models for effects, I'll be interested. For now, it's not really important to me as a feature.
_vez: I need Guar for Warden instead of Bear and I would be so happy
user-og9wh8zj4u: I hope it's not just a recolor for the pet
LemmyHQ: Glad to see these coming to the class skills too! Im really hoping the pets aren’t just color changes I’d love to see Atronach skins.
vossboss220: They reeeeeally like those purple skills
revan1395: All i want is the old templar jabs animation back
AndreiPek: I'm hoping for a sorc summons style :D
hxppy_snek: still waiting for my rainbow puke RGB beam :D
showaker4755: as cool as the skill styles are I'm hoping we get more scribing skills as well. Would be cool if each class got a unique scribe skill. maybe one for vamp and werewolf too (and while we're at it let's make vamp dps viable in pve. i know, a long shot, but a guy can dream.)
TikachooYT: I hope jabs is red or black, would look amazing! Can't wait

Jul 15 2024

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