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Everything New in The Elder Scrolls Online Gold Road

_MrToast_: This game really could've been big, if the combat wasnt so dull. How many f*cking DLCs does this game have tho?
SekiberiusWelkesh: Celebrate their 10 year anniversary with the worst expansion yet.
aayushvijayvargia2084: Still waiting for skyrim 6
aarongreenetv: Its painfully obvious some of you have only played like 2 hours of this game.
Argonian0727: Every time they make a dlc is another year they could have been making elder scrolls 6
Cinnamonbrit: This is soo dead we still have no elder scrolls 6 but we have an update to game we barely play anymore
ZBlinkZ: Little Miss Muffet sat on her tuffet, until Chuck Norris roundhouse kicked her into a glacier.
myst0ne: More of the same from Bethesda
zarakitube: This game is so bad
killerluuk: ESO Bosses are just so boring, they just have way more HP than normal minions

Jul 06 2024

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