ThrashersShogun: Harvesting double yielding nodes during whitestrake's event is more than an honest suggestion, since you might get a double Hakeijo loot from the Rune nodes.
wkrick: I'd like to see you do some build videos optimized for soloing difficult content with a companion. For example, I have a Templar heavy attack build that uses Sergeant's Mail and Telvanni Efficiency and I run it with Bastian in full Purple Heavy Vigorous gear (except for one body piece with Quickened), Purple Vigorous Jewelry, and a Purple Vigorous Restoration Staff. I run these skills on Bastian (in this order)... Mystic Fortress, Kindle, Searing Weapons, Rejuvenation, Basalt Barrier (or Reverse Entropy for more heals over time, or Skeletal Aegis or Crimson Font for more utility and synergies), NO ULTIMATE. With Telvanni Efficiency and 1 piece of Quickened gear, Bastian's Searing Weapons 15% bonus to my Heavy Attacks has a 100% uptime. Bastian's survivability is pretty insane too.
uncivilized371: Talk about love at first BITE
albundy7991: technically if they farm double tel var, they get farmed double tel var
munstrumridcully: Sigh, I'm a pve guy, every time in this event, I just try to get my tickets and dip, but ppl keep killing me...bah! Lol
drevin64: Jake will you be my valentine
ianhambly3134: Great video, and thank you for keeping me invested in ESO when the going gets tough (eg PVP)
bigsawdust4726: Most of my characters, my overall inventory, and my mailbox are all overflowing with transmutes
josephseeley6108: Stake dinner really
harrykleinfelter3538: Cool. I need to level up my rank.
JustinMcBride-n7m: I dig the Jake questions. Also enjoying the themed dad jokes. I pass them to my kiddos and they love them.
ParalyzerT9-Gaming: Jake on the tank role?
danielreplogle9352: Yeah, the little personal facts are fun
robertjackson2700: My favorite event is back!
MissKonstanz: Fights over Resource Nodes about to become very
LBCreateSpace: Collect resources WITH A SENSE OF DANGER
duffygraham: Definitely make more pvp videos!
simonw1252: Bah, I was using all my last event tickets on Doomchar Plateau, when do you think it'll come back to finish?
Mister_Fake_2024: AP train ready to get bomb
avekrso285: How do you sell shit in ESO without guild stores
breitsight3167: what is the name of the event and when does it start jake?
ProdigyGaming04: First
hx3trapped: I’m a pretty passive (solo) player, I’ve never been particularly good at playing PVP. I usually use this event to do all the dailies in Bruma and other locations. If anything, it helps add to my armor sets because I love to complete sets. Even if I’ll never use them. Thanks for the info! Much appreciated!
ACamaroGuy: Good luck getting into Cyrodiil.
captaintrips8647: I love your dad jokes and as always thanks for the content
garyhitt1462: I'd love a magplar pvp build video. I see altcast has a build guide, but I'd love your take
Feb 11 2025