TES_Bloodline: Today is my birthday I'm 49
Anonymoose0523: 20 hour server maintenance is fucking joke.
hetwhizgirl: Thank you for hanging with us. I knew I could depend on you ,
drevin64: Your dad jokes are more reliable than the ESO servers
ircjesselee: The skeleton in your dad joke told me he used to also try to ask people out when he was a corpse, but he always got cold feet
rickchainey830: Im glad they are looking at the DC in pvp. I cant tell you how many time i lost AP on a keep take over due to this problem
Keristan_aka_christianhulen: Now that the servers are up again, I can't wait to jump back into battlegrounds, been craving PVP all day!
jonicoe113: I do remember being excited about xbox being on testing servers but guess that was another parallel universe
JMLjml-dm7dk: The test is simply taking everything that an mmo is about and tossing it in a bin for casuals.
xnbk-yotiex5247: This sounds like a very boring week of pvp… just saying
rogerrantz2024: Say's server is down until Feb 6th
harrykleinfelter3538: Bummed about no console test.
Apocryphal_Soldier: First
vossboss220: I was able to hold back at the guts line but i almost punched my screen at the heart bit
Xesh: Bless their hearts trying to find bugs in such a clunky mechanical test
debramorrisart: Thanks Jake
caskap: Sad the servers were down yesterday the whole day (living in Europe). I do understand that things can take longer though. Its better for them to take a bit longer than leaving things unfinished.
rickchainey830: I was so lost. I didnt get to play till 8pm. I usually start at 4:30 am. I almost lost my shit
vossboss220: Targeted healing is a must that needs to come to live. It shouldn't be so brain dead. If they arent going to nerf healing numbers then they need to make it so some 60k warden cant out heal a triple ult dump by mashing their ice cube button
xo7966: Im pretty sure they did say that vengeance would be live on all servers in March. Pretty disappointing to hear its not going to be on Xbox NA.
neaumusic: they literally just need a flame graph, and to use a dynamic tick rate depending on how many people are in the vicinity
misterfedorattv: Happy birthday to that one 49 year old
bujuwoody: Cross healing being OP is the biggest issue in pvp right now, it's to hard not to jump in a big ball group as it's so OP, but we all know how bad the performance is if your around or in a ball group, fps just can't handle it.
l-_-sage-_-l: Glad they added more ways to dc now
Rogue.13: Are there recommended builds for each alliance with these new limited gear/skill tests for PvP noobs?
Feb 10 2025