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ESO Update 43 Q3 Guide Vampire Rework, Housing Update, Infinite Archive, drop changes and more!

quito787: I am still so disappointed by house tours being the housing update.... so much hype for something housing enthusiasts don't really consider a top request.
Void3.0: Ya know what would be real nice. Items you bought i.e crafting stations if you can place them in multiple homes without having to buy them over again it’s a joke. We spend real money to get these stations but can only place them in one dwelling, kinda infuriating bs imo. Much love Jake
SilverScythe65: What we wanted as new housing features:
- (ESO Plus perk) infinite furniture storage bag.
- Freecam for building mode so you can freely fly around and move through objects while building.
- Official guild association for personal homes being used as guild halls. And some utilities to go along with that.
- The ability to use mounts in homes.
- More item storage options in homes. (Perhaps an 'Item Vault' similar to your personal bank, but only accessible within housing)
- Increased Furniture cap in homes.

What we got as the new housing feature:
- Public House listings (A feature that has thoroughly been covered by add-ons already, and people rarely use.)

Very disappointed indeed.
Edit: However I am happy about them adding the scribing altar as a furnishing.
I was hoping it would be a thing on launch of gold road, it wasn't. But it appears they listened and are adding it now, which is good.
briankingham175: I'm not even a necro main & I'm happy to see them get some buffs via their class skills!

I also recently switched my main from templar to dk, things just keep looking better for dk!
casperallen3095: Dude. Necromancer got some huge love in 43. And Wardens got gutted.
nodders6830: Lol are they finally taking the Halloween decorations down in some zones , just before Halloween :P
Centurion305: Furnishing storage or bag? No? ZoS is just going to steal and copy an already existing add-on as their big update? Yay! Let's celebrate only console players essentially getting a small update
codelogic9018: First
pawwingsart: Wahoo! I can ditch the vampire in Cyrodiil
melissasmith195: I wanted increased traditional Furnishing because 700 is not enough for some of the massive homes
stevengordon9990: Being able to sell properties to other players would be huge.
People would buy properties, do them up then sell them on. Would be a huge gold maker.

Jul 13 2024

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