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ESO Tuesday Vendor Review May 21st May 28th Rare Helmet, Decent Mythic and Companion Gear

TheGoatOfCyrodiil: Lol can't wait for them to offer the Baron Zaudrus style page in the Archive store. Thanks for the video! I disagree about the parts for the Skeever pet. Unless you don't like it, but I'm weird so I do. I like collecting pets in general, and it's easier to spend some money and buy the parts, rather than playing the Archive for hours upon hours and potentially never having any of the parts drop at all.

breitsight3167: "you can just send isobel to fight a world boss while you sit in the back and poorly parse on that world boss" I feel called out lol

draconianmethods479: Jake I pulled the Baron mask twice in a row. People keep trying to buy them for a million gold. Should I hold them for long term? Will they really be worth 2 million someday?

mofarv73: Yes! I love it! Retirement after 2 million ESO gold.

Billsomebody89: I forgot how broken the currency is on the PC lol

jonicoe113: Thanks for the Tuesday scoop

yonmata7955: ty :)

rabidroach999: Got the mask very cool

SirBoopen: Whooooo!!

chrisbalko4063: Jake do you have a video showing how Divines works with a set like Twice Born, where you can 2 Mundus' active?

May 27 2024

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