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ESO PanTamriel Event Farming Guide!

BlueBaron3339: Straight forward. No hype. No hyperbole. No video with the word, INSANE, in the title. Thus, new sub here

GusBus11one: Can we get in the future more specific breakdowns of the different meta healer builds!

pauloskinner: For pure purple box farm I like delve bosses because they're so easy. I've heard the boxes only drop every 5 minutes, and delve bosses respawn every 5 minutes, so no running around necessary. Can be boring though.

jeremyw6246: Couple things that probably werent known at the making of this.

The curated fishing. Apparently ZOS forgot to tell the fish in some zones, so they arent all curated today.

The motifs dropping for the zone youre in. This is also bugged.

Kevin from ZOS says, on the ESO forums, a hotfix for these is in the works for tomorrow.

lanceamus777: My girlfriend and I just started playing ESO and this event will help us blueberries so much!

cpttekashi: The best way to farm boxes … have around 5 toons ready to go dump each one in a public dungeon with relatively close bosses *Deshaan public dungeon

As there’s now a 5 minute timer on the purple boxes you only get 1 box every 3 dark anchors where as if you do the switch toon in public dungeons method the timer isn’t account wide so you can get around 72 boxes an hour through 5 or 6 toons.

simonw1252: Nice vid, just subbed GJ

soiztrudschn5272: Oh they all Go for the elsweyr chickens..

CoffeeAwaits: The impresario assistant is selling fragments for the Doomchar Plateau house. My question is, will this house come back later this year? Because I don't want to waste tickets utilized for this.

xD3m0nx: Not getting purple boxes from summer set geysers

rabies8: Dolmens are a bad way to farm. I say this because the reward box drops from the boss, not the chest and when there are 60 people attacking a boss, you have a very low chance to deal enough damage to get the reward.

mitchschneider4191: Can definitely solo a dolmen! Insightful video!

salinawilliams383: I'll be lead and box farming. Probably starting in high isle pubic dungeons so I can get the haj mota pet. Don't forget to do the treasure maps as well! I've been sitting on mine for this event

brianfischer7364: Dolmens are a pain. I've hit the boss of dolmens multiple times and never got to loot it. It shows I've damaged the boss but never any loot from it. Just went and farmed delves, but now might try some fishing

Gdad_Cliff: Just starting in ESO on Xbox. I still haven’t found the class I want to play as a main. This was helpful. I play solo and really want to become a Grand Master Crafter. Time to watch more of your content.

methatguy5996: So the lion guard style drops from the purple boxes too?

t0ra47: what are the things i should do as lvl 45 with only the base game ? should i do world bosses too or just dolmens ? are the rewards worth it ? i got exams as well

MrShogun0204: Can a new player that never played this game do these and level up form this? Or what is the best way to level up fast.

bearclawws: Where is the quest giver to earn tickets for the motifs?

rexavgvsta5671: Thank you

edc6172: Thanks for the info man! New sub here - great, straight forward content

Icy_Blackwolf: Thanks for not making click bait. New sub here

michaelbennett8790: Ok, now this is epic.

user-nd3hn4gl5d: Alkir in EU is soo dolmen oriented that only word you can spot on zone chat is " dolmen".

tolerantxgaming4530: I literally ran around for 5 hours farming world bosses and dungeons because i have trouble soloing them.

Jan 28 2025

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