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ESO Pan Tamriel Update Updated Best Farms Plus Bonus Rewards

hughmann4142: That was a fowl pun.

KTBProductions420: "Ardoron"

sparkysmalarkey: (NOT LABELED ON MAP) Large Boss East of the The Valley of the Winds Wayshrine in North Vvardenfell, follow the shore till you see a Daedric style enclosure. You're welcome. It's part of the quest there and it's an overland miniboss.

Kessira26A: Southern Elsweyr, the dragons were dying so quick they didn't even have a chance to get their shouts out, haha! I recommend only for people with a max speed mount if you are going to do the run to the wayshrine each time. Wouldn't matter as much if you were leaving a character at each zone I suppose but the mob is traveling super fast between dragon's and the peeps with slower mounts kept missing out.

moriconvallaria1279: Fyi, Rheum is pronounced the same as Room. Also, Weald is pronounced the same as Wield.

ianhambly3134: Another gem from Jake. Crystal clear desciption on this precious event. All carat and no stick! I imagine he will garnet more followers.

mr-presidentee: Me when I switched toon just to see the Vvardenvell WB is alr a rotting corpse:

obiwankenny1966: Well, thanks for advertising my Deshaan farming route.

Frogthroat1: That fishing tip is good. I hate fishing minigames in video games so previously I have done only Cyrodiil Angler. But since the drops are curated I wanted to get all of that out of the way. Currently missing 5 DLC zone anglers and then it's all done. You get those achievements incredibly fast now.

cpttekashi: As there’s now a 5 minute timer on the purple boxes you only get 1 box every 3 dark anchors where as if you do the switch toon in public dungeons method the timer isn’t account wide so you can get around 72 boxes an hour through 5 or 6 toons on a perfect rotation takes around 5mins to get back to each toon on rotation

SRS-GAMES: Great tips Jake

nodders6830: Rheum = Room :P It's basically snot and or tears , you can have a Rheumy nose , snotty nose :)

Sidewaves: Loading screens in this game will make this method even longer than just wait 5 minutes.

wkrick: I like the Rivenspire dolman grind the best.

SirBanana1992: I don't think I need to grind THAT many boxes anyways XD. I went crazy enough with my about 5K reward boxes during Jubilee anniversary (140 everyday for 21 days worth from daily writs acquiring every anniversary style page and grindinf the remaining time on alikr dolmens, always getting box since I was on a coral/deadly arcanist).

I'm way more focused on completing my collections of motifs, especially the lead ones and curated fishes. The double xp is such a nice addition though since that means another opportunity to do my master writ cleanup while my xp for cashing them in is boosted! I always try saving them up for double XP events.

ŁukaszŻach-m6y: I've been lucky enough to get staff of worms before I got the achievement

Marchvz: Lag is terrible for me (PS) that discourage me to farm boxes

Alayaraptor: Okay, your character names are pretty cute. XD

tarik1119: where does it show that its double xp?

khatzeye: Just so everyone knows if you get a deadlands map I or II they are selling upwards of 70k. I’ve made over 2m gold farming dragons so far.

KadajinGaming: Arduron :D

_invinciScribe_24: Cool Character names

danielreplogle9352: Auradon has been extremely busy lately too, I wasn't able to do enough damage to the boss a couple times yesterday.

parmenion6298: The portals in craglorn are also a good farming spot

UR_AL_SHOOK_UP: Great video brotha

Jan 27 2025

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