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ESO New Gold Methods, Rewards Acquisition, MMR, PVP, Vendor Changes, Golden Pursuits and More!

maxpowers6804: Thanks for all the good info, but I uninstalled so I'm going to unsub. Thanks for all the helpful info over the years.

lukewetzel2265: Love the videos. I'm also in your guild. Been playing since beta and can't see myself playing any other mmo especially when you put to much time in this game lol

Centurion305: Instead of making the gameplay better and more engaging with new content or fixing existing problems they create another endeavor system to create more daily fomo... This is NOT the way

UnfadingSilence: Since i play on all platforms including EU on some of them starting over is hard asf BUT with your gold guides has made things SO easy keep up the wonderful work

seiikichi5349: HUGE NEWS THANK DUDE

KMSDerpitz: Golden Pursuits is a great idea. Lack of in-game rewards is why I put ESO on the backburner for a bit for wow. But being the completionist that I am trying to catch up on 20 years of content, lore, and story was a tad bit overwhelming. Eso just gives me that familiar comfort. I can catch something in the lore and not have to go watch an hour long video about it to understand. Chances are I already know.

Fizlen: Gonna miss the 4v4v4

drackar: The sad thing for sweaty competitive players is, some of them will be stuck with me in the 4x4, because if there's a game mode that lets you never get chaos ball again, I'm always selecting that option.

mobspeak: I'm going to start recording spectator mode and uploading the footage to YouTube, should be a whole lot of good bloopers in there.

jpwashere2868: As a pvp player resetting that mmr is gonna be brutal for pvers the first couple days. I’m finna be spawn camping them

jahloveinfla: First

Sep 23 2024

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