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ESO New Gold Method, New 4.99 Pack and Missing Info? September 4th Update

DracoFlameborn: I really love how when you share news you get straight to the point, wish more people did this.

harrykleinfelter3538: Didn't know about the $4.99 house deal. I'll have to check it out.

Mad_Medz: I see that scripts now sell for 999 gold

imtekkno_: Congrats on 23k subs Jake

RazielNightfall: Thanks for the heads up. I didn't know the 5$ pack had a new option. I hope zos gives you a finders fee for the money you just brought them.

cgaming4439: Decent price for house and crowns for once.

chiefaniwahyah3492: Totally agree with crafting stations, transmute station, banker, etc at the front of the house were you come in. Very convenient imo. If you have your house set to were people cannot adjust lights and interact with things can they still open special doors? Just asking because I have a door that I added to a certain room and I'd like people to be able to get into it. Thanks for the info

moriconvallaria1279: Weald is pronounced the same as Wield, fyi.

erostew: Concise and straight to the point. Love it! Most interesting for me is the $4.99 pack. Basically a free home with purchase of a bargain price crown pack. What's not to like? I don't do much, if any, trading so the new plans aren't that big for me. And I suck at decorating houses so... ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Also thanks for the videos about the upcoming event and sets to farm for, etc. I actually, finally, started doing dungeons yesterday after I saw 3 Undaunted keys in the daily endeavor. Filled out a fair bit of the sticker book and I spent several keys already on mystery boxes and got a couple of decent shoulders. So yeah... thanks!

robn3309: Gonna get the house and crown package, can’t pass that up. Waiting on goldroad to go on sale to get it, unless I’m lucky to win it

Sep 08 2024

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