clb1024: Happy March
JDog_Unchained: Much appreciated
_invinciScribe_24: Can’t believe its March lol this year is gonna go fast again
sherlockthepug6745: First
starryidvarina: Thanks Jake!
magenpie_4009: Oh matey you sound so ill!! Please get better soon! Thank you for this vid but can't help thinking you need to take some time to get better! Best wishes!
f.9999: is it just me or does the march store showcase have fewer pics than the feb one? i would have loved to see how these things look like, but theres no way, i gonna look it up...
jamesking6302: Thanks Jake. Always very informative and helpful.
harrykleinfelter3538: Great information as always.
flux5019: The Bal Sunnar mask will be available to get starting March 20th, right?
Super_IT: Thanks for the video,liked!
geraltgrey-mane695: Can someone explain how to solo Captain Blackheart then? I cant get past that stupid skeleton form he puts you in..... (Arcanist). Do I have to use another class?
LyonCat1313: Skeleton face
imortaldeadead: Comment below
LavishPlayzz: Mann
MckeesportRoseGarden: Boo yaaaa
Mar 03 2025