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raincaron873: Or do a run of all the dungeons giving a chance to fully experience the quests and lore for people not in or new to guilds. Since running them with pubs makes it impossible to enjoy the lore and story of the dungeons. Another idea would be best order to play out dlc areas (or areas in general) for new or returning players.

mikeflynn3396: I would like to see you do a training run with viewers through imperial city sewers during the subathon stream. Dungeon training runs would also be fun,.

andyfranklin707: Question. How many of you guy's want to see cadwell be made available as a permanent companion? I personally think it would be great! Just think. All the off the wall comments you would hear him say. Sure would add some interesting variety to the game play.

chiefexecutive: Ok so buy all the deck fragments

Josh-89: So helpful thanks

davidelliott8833: Thanks Jake I'm going to farm for the mask the next few days

dannyc3954: Thanks again Jake

Void3.0: You gotta love the delight on Jake’s face when he tells his jokes

dottysample4753: Would love to see how Vatashine arena normal is done...

ViralClipssahif29: could you do a top 5 rated zones by visuals or your personal favorites

Aug 11 2024

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