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ESO Golden Vendor Has Your Most Requested Set

Kinlui1022: Why did the redguard's foot hurt? because his Hammerfell.
sherlockthepug6745: I’d like to see furnishing plans put in the luxury vendor
shinobi197: Any dlc monster shoulders, every time they add dungeons to this game the % of getting what you want gets smaller.
NoPickles.4Me: Proximity chat inside of the dungeons and trials would be a great feature.
emilyennis9919: I missed the first poll and missed balorgh in the store
lucky_leaf: oh, this time it seems to be the right video :)
dadshirt6681: idk where i am
CheeseTuber: Right upload this time :D
Fire-Arms-: I would like them to put in Spinners and spriggans
197mmCannon: do imperial city monster helms ever show up in the golden vendor? I really want nunatek
theYubelkid: im thinking roska but only cuz i want it for my tank :)

May 30 2024

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