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ESO Golden Vendor Amazing Shock Sets Amazing Furniture and More

eustacemcgoodboy9702: When I was a noob tank I used Malubeth for a long time. Then I went to "meta" monster sets like everyone told me to. Then veteran Lucent Citadel came out and I kept dying on trash packs and to ruinarchs. I went back to all heavy armor with the Malubeth set and slotted Revealing Flare for major protection and you know what? It helped. I stopped dying. As much. I use Wizard's Wardrobe and switch between a few loadouts while tanking vLC but using all heavy Malubeth legitimately helps survivability.

Trapperaustria: When you told your joke I immediately came up with a similar. How do you call a fish with tiny legs? A Fish Stick

jonicoe113: My son's gonna give me one of them looks with the 2kneefeesh one

rckstar03: again no scripts

KMSDerpitz: Man, all these storm sets ironically come up when I realized I played through content out of order and decided to make a Breton magsorc to get the full experience. It's too tempting, but I'm only like level 25 rn

rootproblems8791: Jake I thought you were rocking a mullet for a min, gotta get that new studio finished.

chiefexecutive: Great video ! Thanks ! I love stormfist it’s def underrated !

davidhurcombe6505: Should have had Thunder Caller in there in place of one of the others. The free lighting splash is very nice on my Oak sorc

guardianv5846: I used to love thunderbug before they change the proc sets. But a heavy armor set with two lines of armor that already has special prop conditions does not scale well off of weapon and spelled damage

tazzdevvil8513: Those were some shocking sets this week

Jul 05 2024

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