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ofrocks: No matter what prizes they add, even if it is bad stuff, more reasons to just login and do activities is amazing! Great news

davefulton4488: Of course as the available images are from the PTS the crates and mount might only be place holders and we get much lesser rewards when it goes live.

MartinCheek-f6f: free stuff YAY!

Wyr_111: Now they just need to add the ability to deconstruct mounts, pets, body markings and other collectables for crown crates for crown gems.

naplzt4k: so the battle pass has finally arrived....gg it was a game while it lasted

gilbertodepauladapaz: You know what they say, "Don't look a gift horse in the mouth." :/

TheOfficialPatriarchy: How much time are you given to complete Golden Pursuits?

I'm always down for more in-game earnable stuff but there is valid concern for balance, as spending too much time trying to do all your Crafting Dailies, Daily/Weekly Endeavor Seals, Golden Pursuits, etc. in a given sitting comes at the cost of actually playing the actual game, especially if you have a job or other offline responsibilities.

jamesmoriarty2001: I've seen a few people upset that the Shor's Fox is going to be free. That's wild to me. Not everyone chases crown store items. I think it's nice for the players that don't to be able to earn these items. I bought the Fang Lair arms pack when it came out. I wasn't mad that ZoS gave it way last month. I'm glad people can get cool free stuff without having to spend.

mikholmes6334: Hell yeah brilliant idea hopefully some cool rewards heading our way

ThePantz82: Sweet!!!

Sep 26 2024

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