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ESO Explaining The Recent Elder Scrolls Online Deflation and Trader Changes

gamblegod-tc8yc: Bots are destroying the market period , its that simple change how refining works lvl 1 mats should not produce gold mats only cp 160 raw mats
richardpowell1425: This is hitting me hard. Really regretting buying up expensive luxury furniture items and holding to sell later. I watched this channel for recommendations about which items to buy for resale. I don't have slots free to sell in guild vendors because sales of everything is slow.
SilverScythe65: The main reason that the economy crashed, is those Anniversary crates. Everyone wanted to buy crowns to get those crates, so they dumped all their investments onto the market all at once, constantly undercutting each other, and prices have not recovered yet. The market was pretty stable for the most part, until the anniversary crates were released. People simply dumped their hoards onto the market all at once, increasing supply 100 fold, while demand for those items dropped, because everyone wanted to spend their gold on crowns. Consequently, the crown market has crashed somewhat as well, because there was such a high demand for crowns to buy those crates, tons of people went and bought more crowns to sell for gold, and those people had to compete with each other to sell their crowns, meaning they had to reduce their price for crowns, undercutting each other again, causing the price of crowns to drop to half of what it was previously.
BBRocker75: Dear Jake, i think the many events we had in the past four months FLOODED THE MARKET. Jubilee and Zenithar were a crazy time. People is still complaining about the golden special motifs [Vvardenfell, Dolmens, Geyser and fishing] but NOBODY, NOT A SINGLE YOUTUBER TALKED ABOUT THE FLOOD IN NORMAL MOTIFS and mats. I farmed very hard and i got all golden motifs, but aditional to those i got 158 motifs [final balance, after i opened all boxes in all my toons, 47 of them new to my sticker book], i am still selling some of them. Before Jubilee i had just 4 Roe, after Jubilee i had 45 roe; before Jubilee i had 4 Aetherial Dust, after Jubilee i had 23 Aetherial dust [from boxes]; plus golden and regular mats [i got almost 600 heartwood and 450 mundane runes from boxes]. I repeat again: JUST IN JUBILEE.
anthonynegrete9540: Farming for luminous ink is why I will never need to buy mats again. 1 hour farm rotation yeilds only 4 ink
cw8786: Completely GUT the current Trader system, go to a more traditional Auction Hall.
raafmaat: i think the 2week timer for listings is the biggest culprit beca..
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Nevermind, i have noticed now that the timer is pretty much only a big deal BECAUSE of all those other factors!
brianherrera1390: Did you say motifs should be character driven and not account.
billgrod764: Ty for the post and the breakdown. This decline started when Zos changed the jewelry requirements and crushed the jewel mats prices in the process. Also (a point you touched) the past two expansions there are only a handful of sets worth to gold out. Arguably Summerset was the last expansion where all the trial sets were viable in one way or another. The 14 day sell feature is not a biggie cause if you think about it if you list an item for 1 million and its not selling, if you ttc check in 14 days later more likely than not the price has dropped. Ask me, scribing is the major killer in the economy because everyone is now collecting every node they pass hoping for get an ink or two. Also script farming is killing the motif prices cause its flooding the market. In the new zone the new page is selling anywhere betwen 10-35k and thats unheard of with the expansion being so new. Heck attune tables went from 550k per to 250 i know cause that use to be my go to for quick gold. Yeah mundane rune, Kuta, regulus( housing mats) can make gold but thats tied into mindless farming (my opinion). In my opinion the best money maker is IA by a mile. All the armor and weapon drops you can sell, all the drops from the urns that have a chance of dropping patterns (granted some went from 1 mil to 35k) and you can use the IA currency to buy provision boxes that can drop mats work a few hundred k n up. Several fixes are: zos needs to add viable sets worth golding, zos need to add more houses that you can buy with gold or achievements, and (ties into gear) they need to revamp pvp. I would assume maybe 10 percent of eso players are into PVP and the rest dabble with it/endeavor/event and most play with PVE builds... The pve and housing market been carrying the trader for years... Another thing they can do is add another gold helm farm so basically have 3 dungeons a month. In the end the guild traders are feeling it and some have already started to lower the quotas and some even moved to other locations. To me, i am fine with the adjustment cause its going across the board. A few housing patterns, a few mats and gold pages are expensive, but everything else is extremely affordable. Lets not forget (forget which update) the era of the constant gear nerfs and remaking/golding gear/mass people leaving/whole guilds quitting cause zos kept nerfing/adjusting. Mats were super expensive and making gold rings were like a Mil a each. Ill leave with a tip for y'all to ponder... If IA is not your thing, when the gold helm farm is up, find three friends and farm it and split the sale. I've ran those groups and had a lot of success. With the Blind helm, you can do 3 runs in 70 min or so thats 12 chances of a drop. If 1 drops that's around 400k each plus purple mats to decon. Days on the Darkshade helm we get 6 helms in an hr. Granted there is a chance of 0 drops... There are ways to make solid gold in this market just have to be creative.. again ty for the post
teflonbird: I believe ZOS was trying to make materials more accessible to new players by flooding the market with expensive materials during the 10th anniversary events but underestimated how much players would farm. I was getting 20 dragon rheums and columbines per every other box, and I was getting upwards to 50 boxes a day just by doing the world events for the style pages. I've noticed prices on PC tanking some time in may and started to liquidate. I'm at 25m gold and am just going to hold onto it since prices on PC are still continuing a large downward trend. A couple of weeks ago, dreugh wax was selling for 25k on PCNA, but now they're at 19k and still dropping. The trade guild I'm in has a mournhold trader and cut the weekly dues by 100k just a few weeks ago, and I'm suspecting they will cut down the prices again because everything is still losing value. Hakeijos are starting to crash hard too since in the same amount of time, they went from 60k down to 45k. I see a lot of people saying this is a good thing since all the items are cheap, but what I think most people fail to realize is the people who are already rich are going to stay rich while everybody else will have a much harder time making money since all these high valued items are now worth nothing.
anthonyvharris: Interesting. I was kicked from my high end trading guild for lack of sales. I have over 100M gold and don’t really need more but I only sell high end motifs, furniture plans and other very high gold items.

Since I was kicked I have not tried to sell my high gold items until the market stabilizes. If I list an item at a fair price the 15 day limit has others undercutting me and my item is returned. I list again and I’m undercut. On and on. So I just don’t list. I don’t need gold right now.

I actually took 10M during the Zanthar event and bought a bunch of houses just because they were on sale. I don’t even like housing.

I’d also point out I have never sold any mats. Well maybe a few when I first started but I quickly realized I need them for my own writs so I kept them and have more than enough to cover all my crafting needs. I do buy them because I craft daily and I do master writs and hate farming nodes. But the cost of things like violet mushrooms and Ta runes have dropped significantly. So cheaper for me to do writs means more gold in the bank.

In my case it is solely the 14 day listing that has crashed my market. Cheap motifs sell no matter what but top end items do not. If it is returned unsold because I was undercut by a recent seller I loose gold. If a motif has a value of 20k or less I give it to my crafting mules so they can get more master writs which I feel is an investment. And I just bank the vouchers right now. No need to convert to gold just yet.

I normally sell the alchemy, provisioning and enchanting master writs because the vouchers are lower than the gold I can get from selling them. I take that gold and buy gold master writs. The alchemy, prov and enchant writs are huge exp sources and the fastest way to level a char including the skill lines. So they always sell.

For now I’m just gonna sit on my pile of motifs and patterns for a few more months.

Jul 25 2024

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