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ESO Earnable Two Person Mount Reward and More Coming Soon

bindair_dundat: Great! Now I can carry my friends around. Better find one then...

LmasDayz: Bro,I'm not hopping on my friends mount

tonyosborne666: It would be nice to see some housing items, or maybe even gasp

JadedEvild0er: I'm a fashion and housing stan, and would love to see more unique furnishings, costumes, or even emotes. The sheer number of non-combat pets I have and don't use or don't like is kind of nuts at this point. My daily grind right now is Endeavors first and foremost. If they synergize with some dailies great but Endeavors is the prime daily target for me.

rootproblems8791: You had some really good counterpoints in your conversation with paradox

wihihihihihihihihi: More free crates would be awesome

HOWITSDONE_TV: Do I need to own gold road or is it actually free?

RamonAlek: So in order to get the "free mount", I need to complete the scribing quest line, which is from the newest paid DLC? Idk in what world this sounds like free...

patrickisswayze3446: Dude just gave me flashbacks to the days of "yeah let me empty my bag and go over to the stable to change my horse"

afterliferaven: Maybe some actual crowns, at least 500 to 1k ... crowns crates are nice but crowns would allow us to save up for dlcs, appearance tokens and etc

Jun 03 2024

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