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ESO Brand New Celebration Event Incoming New Rewards Events and More

robgreen4521: wow, theyre giving a lot of opportunities to get free DLCs with this anniversary event

DS-lk3tx: Oh sweet. Finally a zone i finished.

ricgetz7422: I gotta complete more zone stories??? LOL

TitanRow: If you already own the dlc you should get gold or something for the dlc reward

bizzzzzzle: What if you already finished? Do you get it? Or does it make you do it on another toon?

robgreen4521: looking forward to video with the behind-the-scenes and how your content creation work has gone.

xXS1L3nTSh0TsXx: Looking forward to getting the new recall!

conwaynasa: Cool update, just really don't like JakeClips. Wish ESO had a better video community that was a bit more talented at making content.

torbenkristiansen2742: The effect on the 'recall' is autumn leaves. Which is sort of the main theme when you log in. The autumn vibe. Yellow and orange.

Bongwater33: clockwork city is so beautiful - everything is made of shining precious metals even the leaves on the trees!

Jun 29 2024

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