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ESO Best Weekly Vendor 813820 Weve Had Filer Ool and Script Vendor Reviewed

aguy7407: Hey Jake! I’m the guy that messaged you about dungeons yesterday. Cryptcanon vestaments is actually the premier best-in-slot mythic for dungeon hard mode and perfectas. I slapped that bad boy on and cleared literally every dungeon with it. With a perfect comp between you group members, a healing/healer ult either rarely sees use or is redundant in 4man so this mythic really filled in that gap and allows us to 2x dd ult during boss fights. I recommend it highly and everyone I’ve told about it begins frothing at the mouth over the impact it makes.

AmeliaRomanov: I just can't will myself to do archive when I can't survive even to the 1st final boss

Thatfantasyfootballchick: Cryptcannon is also used in the archive itself for tanks

A DK tank takes the DK archive set (major heroism) and drake’s rush (flat ultimate gain), with cryptcannon and you’re consistently supplying your DD with ultimate

tls5669: Oh snap, theyve got "pull" this week

LeviathanScream: Crypt cannon is used on tanks in dungeons for high dps burns

chiefexecutive: Oh !! I didn’t think about the PVP aspect for cryptcannon ! That’s probably the only way to out anyone in Cyradil since people seem to be invincible there. JUST DAWNBREAKER, DAWNBREAKER, DAWNBREAKER !!!

MrCadrigar: I love my dog

caliworkhorse3695: Actually, motif 104 is about to crash as this will flood the market likely. Thoughts?

ReflexVE: Thanks for the rundown!

jjlongoria37: Loving the content !

Aug 18 2024

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