JonathanBiller: Each week getting worse and worse
7rey7rey: Never knew how much the face cam made a difference
rogerrantz2024: Thanks jake for showing me the white gold torte recipe, I finally got a hold of it
jonicoe113: I feel like the people that have 10's of millions in AP probably don't care much about gold to crash the economy. Not saying all but most people I've found that live for pvp don't even care about dressing their toons or other stuff like that.
fredsnorgaming: Dwarven t-rex as mount lets go
MortainLumpen: Hear me out. Convert AP to housing vouchers!!!! Like endeavor coins, you can spend AP into a housing voucher. And certain homes are available for a # of vouchers.
theonetwo732: Like a good neighbor.........jakeclips is their !!!!!!!
drevin64: Man this luxury guy is just picking weeds off the ground and selling em now… smh
JDog_Unchained: Plants? Really? Thats it?
starryidvarina: Thanks Jake!
uncivilized371: I wish they had more defensive sets too, at this point I feel like all sets usually run a variation of rally/wretched and balrogh, i run that but with jeralls monster set instead to try and still wear down healers/tanks
debramorrisart: yeah plants
bigsawdust4726: This is the first joke that actually pissed me off
nightmare_man_00gamingden15: Huh now I thought you couldn't trade transmuted gear?
jonicoe113: Ahoy hoy
jonicoe113: Hey jake from state farm
chiefexecutive: Great video. Joined Xbox NA last week from PlayStation na. I been looking to gank ya in cyrodiil sir !
SaraM-d6c: You wearing khakis
harrykleinfelter3538: That opening joke was terrible. I'm sure you offended someone.
clb1024: I win
MacroManagerYT: o//
prdamico: plants......
Mar 03 2025