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ESO 820 827 Tuesday Vendor Has Rarest Mythic in The Game

Yosh-doesnt-understand: If you grind west weald dailies and run your daily dungeons, you will have scripts coming out of your ears.

erikdandurand3124: Torc was definitely the hardest one that I actively searched for. Took weeks in IA

keithbaker7097: I got the torc in 2 runs of the archive. The rng gods were smiling on me that day

SirBanana1992: tbh I have never struggled with the IA leads, I get them pretty easily, but I'm also notoriously lucky in games for no apparent reason.

PookieMaliboo: For some reason Harpooner's Wading Kilt took me FOREVER

captaintrips8647: I'm happy you got the lead. I must have had the RNG gods on my side because I got it right after West Weald dropped

Matt-Faire: I think the kilt was the biggest pain for me, but I haven't even attempted to get this torc yet. I will definitely be spending some archival fortunes this week!

briankrasz: The most difficult for me is the Death Dealer's Fete, because one of the leads is in Dragonstar. And so far I have only done solo Arenas.

joelhodoborgas: I really appreciate these heads up, i play eso very on and off. Thanks man

anthonyvharris: So I got that mythic without a thought. I have, and had, several leads for it I’m just letting rot because why dig it up twice or three times? Just to complete the codex?

regulator18E: Torc caused a temporary rift between me and my group because i got all leads in 1-2 attempts and wouldnt stop rubbing it in as they farmed 20 hours

Aug 28 2024

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