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ESO 2025 Chapter Location Confirmed ?

von_zalius1450: Lush is a pretty big hint !! Thanks a lot !!

As an argonian main, and a big fan of argonian lore, im very hiped !!
simonw1252: Three Banners War extra lore to tie in to PvP would be great
dxk65: If It was Black Marsh it would have to be the eastern coast like Archon or Thorn. The central area of Middle Argonia is toxic to anyone who isn't Argonian so it's safe to say that spot will never be filled in on the map.

So that leaves Whiterun Hold as the "easy" answer. Personally I would love to see Winterhold and Dawnstar because the idea of visiting Winterhold back when it was an actual city is very intriguing.
rtgjr3766: hmmm Raz's line is one I've seen an ESO dev use about upcoming chapters before so that very could be a good clue
rcrocker2144: Love your investigations! Don't forget Feronia, the deserting Imperial soldier we had the one-off encounter with near the Dawnwood, who told us she was heading West, and might board a ship in Anvil, but that we shouldn't discuss this and the less we know about her plans the better.... I bet she's involved somewhere, and the pre-chapter quests might include meeting her again in Anvil before leading on to the main chapter.
simonemichelle: When I heard lush I immediately thought Tenmar Forest! Or potentially even pyandonea but I feel that’s too much wishful thinking
tyreseperrin223: I hope they add the pale from Skyrim into eso. Remember winterhold is the largest city in Skyrim during the time of eso and winterhold is the capital of skyrim. Seeing a pre-destruction winterhold would be really cool.
Ho0pxr: I was hoping lush meant the jungle in-between the upper and lower parts of elswyr. Someday hopefully
Aldhardt: I hope it's Skyrim. Seeing old Whiterun when the walls were new, or Dawnstar as an actual trading city or Winterhold before the collapse.

They might have told you lush to throw you off.
JuMoraf: Only tidbit ill theow in about Black Marsh is that he could have been actually referencing Murkmire, which came out immediately after Summerset.
LyonCat1313: Interesting that they did not want to give a color but "Lush" was not a problem... hmm

Aug 29 2024

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