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Elder Scrolls Online Dungeons Are Complete Chaos

SurfGroups: As someoned that has thousands of hours in ESO, I am LMAO here!

lucianlopez6537: very impressive that your group did not leave you to die with the spiders and skip right to the end boss after the goblin boss.. good on them

Trigarta: Leveling in normal dungeons is a crazy experience. If you are a new player it must seem like the wild west. As soon as everbody loads in it's go time. The experienced players who you are matched with just run as fast as possible to the last boss, killing everything as fast as possible. Experienced players have run these dungeons a million times so as long as you don't point out it's your first time, everybody will assume you are one of them and just want to finish as quickly as possible. Running a random normal dungeon, even at endgame, gives good rewards, so the queue pops quickly.

Frogthroat1: Running a normal dungeon with PUGs is like a box of chocolate. You never know what you'll get.

Sometimes there's people who have no idea what to do. Other times you have players who can solo the dungeon. And everything in between.

When you do a daily random you get transmute crystals which are very important. So you can have experienced players there who are only interested in the crystals and run to the last boss using all the skips.

Once you start to go to veteran and eventually veteran hard mode, then it becomes different. More coordinated. And then your build and rotation matters a lot. As much as doing the mechanics.

elosefast: Fungal Grotto 1 is the easiest dungeon in the game. Most CP level people can solo veteran mode

anthonyvharris: Long time eso player. Don’t be shy to tell the group you are “first time here. Doing the quest” 95% of the players will wait for you. Also long time DPS player. You want to wear medium armor.

I love seeing new players experience eso for the first time. So glad you jumped into the dungeons. I was so scared to queue for a dungeon when I started I literally did fungal grotto 1 at max level and was very disappointed.

Now check out PvP! You can use your heavy armor in there for sure.

corranbfg: One thing about dungeons in eso, most are already experienced players who just run past and thru everything. Skipping the mechanics of bosses and mobs that are really worth learning. It will help you later on.

NDfeerer10: I've been going hard in GW2 for about 6 months, but this video made me laugh reminiscing about my time in ESO. ESO is an incredible game: the animations, skills, classes, SHEOGORATH and cheese wheels. It is fast paced though, because it has a lot of end game grind. I was a NB main and could do every role whenever. Magicka NB healer/tank was my favorite. I miss that. I do love GW2, but I know ANET could and should do better. Doesn't help I am an ele main..

shinobi197: If you want to properly listen to the dungeon quest you are going to have to make a group in the group finder not on random queue.

Random queue gives a 100k experience boost upon completion and 10 transmute crystals which are needed to reconstruct dungeon/trial weapons and armor, so people making builds are always on that queue.

Tolly7249: Ah, the Prophet. I'm very interested to see how your attitude to him changes over time.

FriedEgg101: There is actually a cooldown on weapon swap, but it's less than a second. There didn't used to be though, and you could swap weapons as fast as your fingers would let you. Much of the player actions used to be client side, but were swapped to server side to combat cheat engine. As a result the game feels less responsive than it used to.

Aug 13 2024

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