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Best Companions Guide 2025 The Elder Scrolls Online ESO

ronward2693: Questing with Isobel felt like having your mom come along on a quest. Although I know many people like her, she had plenty of criticisms about how I conducted myself in the game.

xnbk-yotiex5247: Ember is my favorite. Great at dps, and I find she doesn’t have any of the annoying things the others do.

nickh2209: Excellent guide thanks. The story-lines are a matter of taste but I liked Tanlorin's best because of the whole outsider/rebel vibe and the twists.

nikzel: I've literally spent the last few hours brainstorming companion builds. This video came in right on time!

ravenstalons154: Isobel's passive actually occasionally will include random tapestry furnishings, which is a plus!

GeraldJSmith: In defense of Bastian, he has by far the easiest and quickest recruitment quest. He also has a unique buff that increases heavy attack damage. My heavy attack sorcerer uses Bastian as their tank when soloing dungeons, since there's generally nothing in those to trigger his dislikes. He's not my favorite companion, for sure, but he's usually the first I recruit on a new character, since his quest is so easy. Then I use him to help recruit the companion that character is actually planning on keeping around. /chuckle

Cooperharley0204: My thing with companions is that ZOS has not added anything remotely new to or improved the system since it was released in 2021. Yes - they've added more companions, but now we've covered the classes and are starting to see repeats (Tanlorin). I think the system has a ton of potential, but in reality, outside of solo questing content and some minor difficulty like WBs, they largely have no real purpose. My biggest gripe with this system extends to the game at large, which is that ZOS takes unbelievably long to implement/revolutionize systems compared to other big name MMOs. They're way too formulaic :(

LockPickingPoet: A necromancer that dosen't like vampires seems odd to me.

darlenehoover6577: At first the companions were boring until I figured out how to build rapport with them. Now I'm really enjoying them. Their side quests (Mirri's wayward mother

dapperwookiee: Awesome outfits on all the companions! Great video overall.

pauloskinner: Could you tell me what your Zerith is wearing? It looks like the recent elf hero costume but a masculine version?

nashabenzo6480: Hi ! Where did you get these haistyles pleaseeeee ?

mathewcastillo642: Miris perk does not improve loot quality. It’s a hidden bag that contains some loot like gold. It’s not the same as the champ perk

swatteam907: Even as a fellow arcanist, i cant stand azander. Sharp is my bro

susankuebrich6846: Bastian is lactose intolerant. Cheese makes him sick.

runkorko: Isobel and Zerith- tanks. Ember-dps. Bastian can be ok as tank too. Rest are trash

Feb 14 2025

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