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3 Steps to GREAT DPS ESO

_vez: Instructions unclear i started petting my Daedroth

alexjohnson3175: As an endgame PvE player, I never thought of rotations quite like that. It was always: "Lay down your DoTs, then spam away, taking care not to miss your class gimmick skill (spec bow, Prey, 3 crux beam, talons, etc.)". The layered cake analogy is really clever, and I'll be taking a closer look at my rotations to see how I can improve!

MichaelMcDonald20: Why are so many people here saying they dont care about their dps when they clicked on a video about improving dps? I think we all know....

sinofmen2400: I'm always amazed how Kaan get's all the Info condenced and make it so easy to follow. We need more of this in ESO.

Can't wait for the class videos and hope to see more new ppl in trials.

lemarawall8720: Love this info!! Again with the knowledge

josiewoodrose7616: Thanks, I needed this even though I am a long time player.

hxppy_snek: crying in magblade

StaciRouth: Concise and to the point! Can't wait for the class vids.

xXS1L3nTSh0TsXx: You have been dropping really insightful videos! Keep it up

BBRocker75: To me:

Ser Up: the same clone sets for everybody.

Weaving: the same clon way to push buttons once and forever.

Rotation: the same three -four skills for all players.

Sorry but no way José! Maybe i hit like a grandma but i don't want to play in a clon army. I play in my way cuz i wanna get fun.

My respect to ur video.

adamschneider4188: Great video thank you

Jul 10 2024

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