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Yoda is in Elden Ring eldenring fromsoftware

poptart9416: Yodas laughter at the end was priceless

writerlairchannel2636: "Died you have" the funniest part

HOTAStudios: This is so Accurate

Jaquelin_Ivern: Yoda the gaol

pillarsofsnow7940: Went full Tonberry on that one

otakon17: I would run away screaming in real life if I saw Yoda in Elden Ring. It would be like trying to fight a goddamn munchkin Cuisinart blur on crack.

dablaqueguy: I kicked the crap out of him on an over leveled build. Fought him again cocky as hell on a new character, he repeatedly sliced the shit out of me. Made me rage quit. “Zero runes, you will have”

cuteandfluffypikachu3405: His little waddle

Gleb44444: I imagine what it would look like in elden ring

merlinforet5541: "Maidenless, you are." ~ Little Green Dude.

hyuugatfr: The yodarian grammar will always be funny!

Sep 13 2024

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