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Which Elden Ring MAIDEN is the BEST?! eldenring eldenringdlc ai shorts

leonides1527: Miquella: im-

Every women character: BOI IF YOU DONT!!

goatjothestrongest: While Melina has like 3 possible cutscenes, she probably has the highest potential screentime if you stop at every place she appears, like churches. Rellana still needs a cutscene though.

chese0965: Its hard to chose the best waifu but atleast we have IGON AS A BRO

eternal_animator4080: I wished Malenia said,”I am obviously the blade of miquella.”

Edit“Holy thanks for the likes”

captainshenanigans5385: I am Igon. CURSE YOU BAYYYYYYYLE!

stc1489: “I am sir ansbach. Of course i helped my big bro beat the allegations, not even saul could have a lore reason in his defence”

antoniogilyard5753: Give St Trina them cookies

oidiotaquesabiademais2958: Rya, Roderika and Melina.

All three are great.

One evolves your character, another evolves your summons and becomes a daughter for your favorite blacksmith, the giant carrot-snake girl is definitely your biggest admirer in the entire game.

honzic806: rellana actually has voiceline as well as romina, but they didnt put them in the game for some reason :(

radtooth: All I need is my boy Alexzander

Rafilisupreme: where has mommy marika gone?

VergilsHellspawn: Team Meli-Meli for life

GOD-OF-DESTRUCTION: Miquilla a.k.a. zoro of elde ring

filippvarelis1999: Miquilla remains best girl

dirty_dan9157: Miquella forgot he separated trina

Insurgency_Raider: Bold of you to think I have enough dignity to even question my taste.

The0neWhoWa1ts: What the hell is wrong with me? I chose Lansseax.....

LordWallace: Missed opportunity for Malenia to just say her catchphrase and nothing else

Cutting the video before Melina can finish was great though


nils3031: Miquella. Next question.

miguelperez9906: Miquella was like I don’t then every woman in the room just gave him the yes yes you do stare since even after ripping out his feminine he still belongs there with them

MildlydepressedLucario: Melina: Of course ill level you up while i get plenty of screentim-

soundwavedawson751: Where's my dragon florissax

Ratscracher: Leda should meet Miquella at some point. She's basically replaced Mohg after he beat the allegations and somehow even more obsessed without a charm.

ruivilavega3588: Miquella's and St.Trina ones are so funny

IliyaMoroumetz: Nephali Loux. Warrior. Best gurl!

Mad_racc00n: I am here to serve St. Trina, evermore!

vishalsharma23k: Rodrika , her voice makes me calm and gives me hope when i keep dying to a same boss

OctavioMagnus: I only need Alexander by my side.

Feverthunderknight: St trina = cookie lover = good

TheLsp2011: St. Trina is precious and must be protected. BRING HER THE DAMN COOKIES

Aug 02 2024

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