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We Dueled XQC in Elden Ring For Twitch Rivals

SifOfTheAbyss890: Can't believe Waifu used the exploits of "roll catching" and "skill" to spam the living shit out of everyone, truly a disappointment for not using full bull goat armor, fat roll and use another IGN tactic
syrobe: Absolute CINEMA
yugimoy: I loved when OnlyWaifu said "It's OnlyWaifuin' time" and waifued all over XQC's build
BadSoulsGamer: Steel absolutely knew that powerstanced rusted anchors is pure dogshit, he did xQc soo dirty
Epsonea_482: PEAK PEAK PEAK
Loved being in chat putting down the juicers, was a fun evening
Oliver_Oxton: So… XQC can't win a single round with his shit-eating build, and then he decided to insult Waifu and his teammates by calling them poor?
Wow. Just wow.
myanee449: same guy who lost a chess match in less than a minute
Namulith: "gonna arise ancient demons with his chanting" <- I'm dying, lol.

Thought this was a for fun thing, they seemed pretty uptight about it. Good job, guys.
Myder_Dragon: XQC is the perfect example of "no idea how this guy got famous". Beyond being annoying he's completely untalented
lennynull-funf-zehn5416: I've seen how XQC makes his money... him calling people poor is not the win he thinks it is.
Lt_Noodles: "I'm gonna be an annoying pos" Always stick to your strength's OW <3
ambrokekw: Argentine anthem plays in the background
megustaelmate5499: Como me cagué de risa con los tipos que venían del chat de xQc al chat de tu stream, no aguantaron el poder de alguien que porta la celeste y blanca B)
Goodman-cheeto: “They’re spamming they’re spamming!” Only uses like 3 moves* LOL
mokadelic4037: Can't even blame Trina for being toxic, it's literally her thing LMAO
YipeekayHarasho: "They make a build just to counter your build"
as if his build is anything remarkable lol
galactaknight1017: The three of y’all were absolute legends during this competition, especially during against mendo. The emotion, the action, and the justice that was served was absolute cinema. The three of y’all are souls legends.
shadowstargaming7186: Any excuse to shit on xqc is to be praised. this was a fun watch. congrats for 2nd place in both tourneys!
melvinalvarado8711: Xqc talks all I hear "hdgvejeiwbbduduejbe" he needs subtitles ...BTW good stuff onlywaifu
OdenOni: ChaseTheBro & LetMeSoloHer in the corner:
AlejandroMartinez-fw3gt: he used the "Unga Bunga" strat.. and lost to a blue doll of Argentina
Allinlehead97: No matter how many years i spend watching xqc
I still cannot comprehend what he says
LanClanKilla: Holy shit his "yes men" talking to him the whole time are
Anch0rd: "Nobody can stand before me and win" he's not wrong, if someone just stood in front of him, motionless and not attacking, he'd win. Thats not how you play the game tho
rigel9228: I think it's really cool that Steel won (and not very surprising tbh) but the fact that the whole thing happened on pc without seamless coop (again, not surprising for an official event) was unfortunate for the connection...
valdovee: Im happy everyone in the world putting Xqc in his place
ravenspurplebeats5412: xcq cow being salty loser with how he got wiped, also his reaction priceless as he is unlikeable man with ego to me so glad you taught him lesson.
PKDeviluke25: Its funny how the guy was helping XQC cope.
Malxer: xqc's entire line of thinking is "if I suck aagainst anyone at doing literally anything I just call them poor"
gustavogamapereira4767: That's why i dont like those guys, their brain just work in a 300% "Unidimensional way" so when things go south they cant catch up on what they are doing wrong and start to get as salty as the ocean, Girl_Dm, Syrobe and our dear Waifu played amazingly against a bunch of guy who tried to bulk their way through.
jotarora9310: I hate XQC bro he acting like he is good and accusing u of cheating
trevorp8124: XQC was always sorta categorized in my mind as "DarkSydePhil, but financially successful"
izzycspp3514: God I hate XQC with the full passion of a thousand burning suns.
valltrax4076: bro how is this grown ass adult ( age wise ) behaves and speaks like a feisty 15 yo
alifnaufalmaulana6156: I know im a bad PvPer but this is just painful to watch. Full Bullgoat set Rusted Anchors... God... Have mercy
CoolBird420: Watching XQC repeatedly use flaming strike without using the follow up attack is painful. Reminds me of when I started out and didn't know about the Bloodhounds Finesse teleport attack
IridescentKySoul: XQCs face when hes in a toxicness compitition but his opponent is an Elden Ring Invader
flamingdeathbanana: Seeing XQC get Father'd is always fun.
Nobody-dd3hr: "They are cringe" literally using all the mechanics to their disposal.
lt.kitkat: "Damn, they still haven't walked into my flaming strike after I casted it 3 times in a row... Ah! I know, I'll do it again!"
juliansievens6279: Tbh i wouldn't even care about how bad XQC is or isn't at the game and id even say it was a good try.

HOWEVER, getting mad and resorting to insults? Calling someone poor? Really???

That made me realize he deserves ALL the salt that came his way.

Aug 13 2024

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