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Trial and Error Elden Ring Cinematic Series

hunterbrittain9243: The 10 to 28 jump, in the death count, had me crying laughing!

keanudupont: Need a boss kill count under the death counter

zabbapow9958: Neebs and Simon's attempt to get stronger on the beach is like that Southpark WoW episode where they kill the boar over and over. Lol

silodeveris: I don't think I've ever seen this game played so poorly, and I love it.

ragingpanda3605: I have over 250 hours into this game and I just learned you can turn your spirit summons red lmao

The8blackguys: You guys should immediately make a variety of nuts called neebs salty nuts, apprso angry nuts, Dora’s delicious nuts, Simon’s sweet nuts

blinko1388: Dora playing a Intelligence build like a tank

MichaelRigoni: Two episodes dedicated almost exclusively to fighting the skeletons on the first Beach: yeah the series is going to be three hundred episodes long...

Lol_Pig: Neebs and Simon discover double jump. What a time to be alive lol

patmcgr8428: please never stop playing this i love it

brokenman58: To quote Appsro:

What? What? You wanna go?! BLECCH

moraptor: Appsro: "We are bad, but not that bad." At least they have the flame of ambition. I feel like Neebs and Simon will settle for the lands between version of baby's first teething ring than search for the Elden Ring at this rate.

StoryMode180: That Rocky cover, from the latest "Neebs, That's What You Call Music?" album was not what I was expecting this ep

GreenfaceONE: Simon has come a long way! Love u guys! Great video!

wumpscutx1: Absolutely zero chance for a copywrite on that Rocky theme rendition lol

RadarOGaming: I need friends that hype me up the way Neebs hypes up Simon

bigearnmccraken: Dora and Appsro conversation about night crawlers and crawdads is pure gold

shiron1158: The gameplay of this when fighting a boss reminds me of the Monster Hunter series. Man I’d love to see these guys try, and emphasize try, to work together to topple those iconic larger than life beasts.

AtomsharkStudio: Whenever the classic music starts, you know it's gonna get good

-BEASTOR-: The socks,. "You want some of these? You don't? Never mind "

MazzyDark: You can edit the mod to control the health of enemies depending on how many people are in the game. so two people have 35% health 4 people can be 50% more health , so if you want cameras and its effecting the health, maybe have it so four people in the mod and it only has 35% health the enemies. i hope this makes sense if you havent already done it. :)

ratchetqwark89: nooo you kept missing all the ghost weeds which are for making your summons better!

pashdar: Loving this series, just hope the guys stick with it despite the difficulty. Also would love to see them try Baldur's Gate 3 if it would translate well to their style

Nov 05 2024

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