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Top Things You Missed In the Charos Hidden Grave probably Elden Ring Shadow Of The Erdtree Guide

huckleberry12: you're honestly the only gamer whose content I believe and trust. almost all of the other youtubers use mods on their PC gameplay and do not disclose it, or worse, deny it. Then they post these complete BS click-bait vids where their iframes are suspiciously liberal and the bosses don't do certain move sets or don't even close in on them. Kudos to you for being genuine.

Perfidious_Hollow: Every time I kill that Tibia dude I think of the spongebob scene "How many times do we need to teach you this lesson old man?!?"

MadJix: For the deathrite bird if you hop on torrent and do laps around the mound in the middle he'll kill all the gravebirds.

SoapMcScavish: I see "Top things you missed episode 9" I click like. Loving the content mate honestly I've basically used it as a walkthrough of the dlc.

furorteutonicus9045: Damn, i am at the final boss and I still am missing 5 Skibidi tree fragments! :(

victorbellew3759: I started exploring fairly early and ended up accidentally breaking the great rune so I will have to come through on my second play through and try to 100%. Just like the rest of your videos I will probably be watching these 10 or 12 times before I’m done. I will say that I like the longer format better.

atk_ogre2185: Omg the struggle against that Deathbird mate,goddam!

Slap sacred Blade to any good weapon you use that can be infused ,holy damage tear ,sacred scorpion charm and a dagger with golden vow,buff,spam sacred Blade,dies in literally 4 to 5 hits with 0 faith invested.

Milagro-l1t: The level of intellectual curiosity in this community is invigorating. It's a joy to be surrounded by such inquisitive minds.

Johury: A tip for the hippos, other than the one in the Shadow Keep, just riding around them on Torrent using a hit and run tactic made them kind of a joke imo.

louismanalo: Instead of Furnace Pots, you can use Hefty fire pots instead as Visage materials are rarer and you only have limited no. in the game.

kylelambert6045: Okay that Lamenter fight went a lot better for you than it went for me

Jul 21 2024

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