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Thoughts on Elden Rings Main Gauche

Arya-db3yd: Sword names are so funny ah yes let me use my left hand to hold a left hand

ErnestLordGoring: Desperado duelling fantasy? To misquote Don Diego De La Vega: “No, my friend, You are trained to kill. We seem trained to drink.”

demonicgrub1025: How is it that the sword guy is teaching me things i didn't know about elden ring?

talonthehand: Hearing main gauche not pronounced in the French way was a moment of dissonance this morning. Better than coffee at waking me up

afelias: The funny thing is, the Wakizashi was a Dagger class weapon that only powerstanced with Katanas. And it could take the Parry Ash of War. So the Main Gauche is just giving straight swords a little Parry Parity.

Really wish I could give the Wakizashi (and the MG!) Carian Retaliation though.

bl4cksp1d3r: Now i wosh they also updated the og parry dagger

drlemon7729: With this, light greatswords and thrusting shields etc. It seems Fromsoft really locked in to improve historical authenticity in the DLC

Sir.Alonne: Unfortunately you don't switch your grip when attacking with the regular dagger moveset so you just slap people with the flat.

Briqueteries: This game is a gift that keeps giving

twinarcher8123: have a question.

I live in Tennessee, and Tennessee has really hot days, 90°f and up, and really cold days, sub 40, and basically no in-between. It also rains, a lot. Heavily too.

And this got me thinking, what would be a good type of armor to use? Some context, let's say fantasy adventurer type situation where you are constantly on the move. Also, let's say the armor you choose is your only armor, so it has to be decent for all weather conditions.

Would plate still be viable, would gambason make you too hot? I am just curious there is probably no true concrete answer. Just a random thing I thought of. Probably a dumb question but i have been told its better to ask a dumb question and get an answer than never aska question and be left wondering.

matorias: Dark Souls 2 did the powerstancing better, you could also do a rapier parrying dagger too

Aug 09 2024

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