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The Rarest Attacks in Elden Ring

theepich8826: The Godskin duo has that wake up move coded in but it's bugged apparently because of the enemies arround the arena. They're supposedly able to wake each other up if the enemies have all been killed

willevensen7130: What is this brain rot mobile game elden ring setup? I love it

G_UZI: My attention span is so cooked I need some ball gameplay to keep me watching

wally9745: The OSRS soundtrack

adamnave1078: Theres one that nobody knows about, radagon can actually do two golden spears before a golden stake. Ive only seen it once and i cant remember where, you might be able to see it in the files

Cjp171: Watchdog tail slam?

deliphar7749: I didn’t even realize there was a video under the video, why is it even there

exzer0757: And then there's the spirit snail grab

JohneyBob-q9n: Got grabbed by erdtree guardian i didn’t think anything of it

beast33G: Elden brain rot

ausgebrandt4445: I actually have see the godskin wake up roar before, if you kill all the banished knights outside of the god skin duo boss Arena and sleep one of them, the other on will wake him up

Nov 03 2024

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